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兵舰是非常大的战船。An "Ammiral" is a big warship.

飞机轰炸了敌军舰。Aircraft bombarded the enemy warship.

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水雷把敌舰炸成碎片。A mine blew the enemy warship to bits.

舰空导弹技术的发展趋势。Warship empty guided missile technical.

我们的兵舰在太平洋上游弋。Our warship was cruising on the Pacific.

战舰配有16英寸口径大炮。The warship was armed with 16-inch guns.

但要藏起67,500吨的军舰绝非易事。But it’s hard to conceal a 67, 500-ton warship.

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这一战舰当天驶抵金兰港。The warship arrived in Cam Ranh port the same day.

她舅舅在军舰上当了两年文书军士。Her uncle spent two years on a warship as a yeoman.

请尽量以「希望」号轮船装运我方货物。Please do your best to warship our goods by S. S. Hope.

这艘军舰在海上的头四天航行了350英里。The warship logged 350 miles in the first 4 days at sea.

炮兵部队的侦察飞机指示炮火打中敌舰。The artillery spotter brought down fire on the enemy warship.

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葡萄牙战舰成功挫败索马里海盗劫持油轮。Portuguese warship thwarts hijack off Somalia on an oil tanker.

比如,约有7.5吨的钢材被用于建造美国海军战舰了。About 7.5 tonnes went into the construction of a US navy warship.

区以及江河湖泊布设水雷障碍的军舰。Area as well as rivers and streams lake mine attack barrier warship.

那艘非常拙劣的军舰受到不给予战争报酬的警告。The awfully awkward warship is warned not to be awarded war reward.

之前,这些海盗误把一艘参与欧盟反海盗行动的法国军舰当成商船,分乘2小艇和一艘母船对其进行追击。The warship is actually part of a European Union anti-piracy operation.

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军舰在漂浮的游艇附近数百英尺处徘徊。The warship is prowling several hundred yards away from the drifting launch.

天安舰的沉没造成46名韩国海员的死亡。The sinking of the Cheonan warship claimed the lives of 46 South Korean sailors.

目的降低舰员出海期间便秘的发生率。Objective To lower the incidence rate of constipation in warship crew on the sea.