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亲爱的,我再也不对你撒娇了。I won't act in pettish to you anymore.

宝宝和十四俩一撒娇你就同意了?Baby and 14 a pairs one act in pettish you to engage?

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当然,如果这个男孩是属于十分爱撒娇的性格。Of course , if the boy is very love belongs to act in pettish character.

所以,偶尔男性的撒娇,会让女人发挥她母爱的一面。Therefore , occasionally male , can let the woman pettish exert her mother's side.

零食是男人向女人进攻的武器,零食是女人向男人撒娇的筹码。Snacks is a man to woman offensive weapon, snacks are women to man act in pettish chips.

那丫头撒娇的功夫是厉害,朕也经常招架不住的。The exertion that that wench acts in pettish is severe, I also ordinarily can not sustain the blows.

在情爱生活中,男人适时与适度的撒娇,是有百益而无一害的。In the love the life, man in good time with moderation of act in pettish , have 100 benefits but harm neither.

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就弘晖那个撒娇的本事也不知跟谁学的,四阿哥可是频频败下阵来的。Hong Hui the skill for deeding in pettish don't understand as well whom learn, four the elder brother is to again and again hurt afterward come.

对于抚爱和夸奖,孩子们以微笑和撒娇加以回报,对于嘲弄和漠视,孩子们以发怒和任性加以回应。For caress with cry up, children with smile with act in pettish to take in to requite, for make fun of and ignore, the children take in to respond with self-will by get mad.

犯了错误是要写检查的,写检查一定要态度端正,不得躺在床上撒娇耍赖企图蒙混过关!Made a mistake and write a check of and write check must attitude regular, can not lie to act in pettish to play to depend on scheme to get by under false pretenses on the bed!

老公,就是那个你偷懒跟他撒娇,要他为你倒水洗脚而明知中计还乐不可滋中套的“可爱男人”。The husband is that you are lazy to act in pettish with him, he pours water to wash feet but knows perfectly well to fall into trap for you still happy can't"lovely man" of the set in Zi.