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我不能连累他。I can not incriminate him.

证据似乎显示他有罪。The evidence seemed to incriminate him.

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他在盘问中被迫受到牵连。No one can be forced to incriminate himself.

我很伤心,但是我不能连累梯队。I am very sad, but I can not incriminate echelon.

不要说任何可能连累你朋友的话。Don't say anything that may incriminate your friends.

他在盘问中被迫受到牵连。He had been forced to incriminate himself in cross-examinations.

警察逮捕了那些年轻人,并进行搜身寻找使他们负罪的东西。The youths were arrested and searched for anything that would incriminate them.

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即使我们是罪犯,我们也不能做任何事情来让别人归罪于我们。We can't do anything that would incriminate us, even if we were criminals," he said.

另外,每一个证人都有不自证其罪从而拒绝作证的权利。Further, each witness has a right not to incriminate himself and can decline to testify.

你最好先查清楚事情的来龙去脉,不要不分青红皂白地诬赖我。You should not confound right and wrong and incriminate me, please try to understand the context first.

在研讯中,如证人回答某问题可能导致他入罪,则他不须回答该问题。No witness at an inquest shall be obliged to answer a question if to do so would tend to incriminate him.

卡尔向他透露,在菲拉格慕办公室发生的火灾现场可能有一些栽赃嫁祸的东西,而这些东西可以导致基思被牵连在这起纵火案中。Carl lets on that there may perhaps be something planted at the Ferragamo fire that would incriminate Keith.

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卡尔暗示,如果基思将菲拉格慕之死的真相公之于众,一个能将基思定罪的谎言将会浮出水面。Carl suggests that a lie to incriminate Keith could surface if he goes public with the truth about Ferragamo.

他有一把刀,除了用来处理过鱼,别的什么也没用过,但是他把这把刀扔进了河里,因为他担心,这会成为他有罪的证据。His knife which had never been used to gut anything but fish was thrown in the river for fear it would incriminate him.

警察循线追踪到妻子,但当她意外的发现一张足以使她丈夫定罪的照片时,她决定保持缄默。The police trace the wife but when she discovers by accident a picture that could incriminate her husband she decides to remain silent.

由于州和联邦法律都规定赌博登记簿为刑事犯罪,马切蒂因而被迫要么不登记而违反法律,要么自证有罪。Since bookmaking was a criminal offense under state and federal laws, Marchetti was forced either to violate the law by not registering or to incriminate himself.

最后综合以上分析提出是否需要将危险驾驶单独入罪的问题,具体介绍了国外立法经验及产生的社会效果。Finally, bring up the point that if needs to independent incriminate dangerous driving, and introduce foreign countries' lawmaking experiences and its external effect.

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公民可以学习如何避免在街上被捕时都在拉车,并通知了警察的基本技巧的使用让人们连累自己。Citizens can learn how to avoid arrest both on the street and when pulled over in a vehicle and are alerted to basic tricks cops use to get people to incriminate themselves.

如果存在施加刑事制裁的危险,证人会拒绝回答有可能显示其有罪或提供在一连串的证据中无利于他自己的关连因素的问题。When there is a risk that criminal sanctions will be imposed , the witness may refuse to answer questions that could incriminate her or provide a link in a chain of evidence against her.