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即使是你在平静的睡眠For even as you slumber

他从沈睡中醒来。He awoke from a deep slumber.

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我要举行一个睡衣派对。P7. I was having a slumber party.

一些昆虫在冬季蛰伏。Some insects slumber in the winter.

我没有房子,在这个城市蛰居。I have no house and slumber in this city.

不要在你父兄的帐篷里沉睡。Slumber not in the tents of your fathers.

完美的沉睡的政党或道班!Perfect for slumber parties or road trips!

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睡吧宝贝,直到晨光初现。Slumber my darling till morn's blushing ray.

愿你陷入一夜无梦的沉睡。May you rest in a deep and dreamless slumber.

思想一旦被唤醒,就再也不会沉睡。Thought once awakened does not again slumber.

睡不醒的女人·睡不着的男人!Deep slumber of a woman and man can not sleep!

依稀入睡,进入透明见底的梦境里。We lie only half-asleep in transparent slumber.

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卡莉斯塔在漫长的休眠后再次警醒。Callista again stirred, after so long a slumber.

很多神灵已经陷于了深睡傍边。Many of the Gods have fallen into a deep slumber.

睡前抽一斗,刚好六斗。A pipe before slumber Makes just the right number.

当工作退潮而去,他在酣甜中渐弱了他的呻吟。When job ebbs with his groans fading into slumber.

睡吧,闲上眼,愿你睡得香又甜。Lay thee down now and rest. May thy slumber be blest.

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沉眠吧,疲惫的主人们,在永恒的夜的看护下。Slumber now, fiery Lords, nursed by the ageless Night.

伴着这最后的一米阳光,沉沉地睡去…With the last plume of sunlight, Lounging fall into a slumber.

保护以色列的,也不打盹也不睡觉。Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.