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在我夜里的店里放上我父母的照片。Put a picture of my parents on my nightstand.

将其他的玫瑰放在床头柜的花瓶中。Put the other roses in a vase on the nightstand.

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搬东西时,我在他的床头几最上面的抽屉里发现了一样东西。Then I found it in the top drawer of his nightstand.

他把那个曾经属于海德薇的笼子放在床头。He placed the cage that used to belong to Hedwig atop the nightstand.

但是我将它丢在床头上一整晚,早上发现它已经没电了。But I left it on a nightstand overnight, only to find it was depleted in the morning.

今天我醒来时,伸手去床头柜上摸眼镜,摸到了一张纸条。Today, I woke up and reached for my glasses on the nightstand and found a note on them.

在每晚的夜床服务中,一个处方药的瓶子都会放在住客的床头。At turn down service each night, a prescription pill bottle is placed on the nightstand.

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她从床边的茶几拿起一本相册翻看。“这个应该是你老爸吧,手里拿着一只死鸟。”She picks up a photograph off the nightstand. “This has to be your dad, the one holding the dead bird.”

如果她怕黑而不敢下床时,在她的床柜上放一个手电筒。If she gets out of bed because she's afraid of the dark, give her a flashlight to keep on her nightstand.

非常时尚的小花盆,直径不到10CM,可以摆放在办公桌,电脑台或者床头柜上。Very stylish small Flowerpots, diameter less than 10CM, can be placed in desk, computer table or nightstand.

比如,试着把你的日记放在床头,每天睡觉之前看到的最后一件东西就是它。For instance, try putting that journal on your nightstand where it'sthe last thing you see as you end the day.

比如,试着把你的日记放在床头,每天睡觉之前看到的最后一件东西就是它。For instance, try putting that journal on your nightstand where it's the last thing you see as you end the day.

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床头桌上没有了台灯,你就有足够的空间放闹钟,书籍和电话。With the lamp out of the way, you'll have ample room on your nightstand for your alarm clock, book, and telephone.

他依旧适用与当你想要把他放在你的床边小桌上看电影或者充当闹钟,他会那样站立。It's also useful if you want to put it down on your nightstand to watch a movie or use as an alarm clock, it stands.

我不祈祷也不做佛教徒做的那些事情,但是我确实读了很多佛家著作。我想你能叫我“诵经佛教徒”吧。I don't pray and stuff, but I do read a lot of the Buddha's writings. I guess you could call me a nightstand Buddhist.

一缱些人非常着迷于手机,他们睡觉时把手机放在床头柜甚至压在枕头下。Some people are so attached to their cell phones that they sleep with them on their nightstand or even under their pillow.

床头柜,电视柜等产品上特别设计了电源安全插座,方便生活休闲的需要。Safety electrical outlets have been added on the Nightstand and TV armoire, providing a more convenient design for relaxation.

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今天,我爷爷在床头柜上放了一张他和我奶奶在60年代的一次聚会上一同大笑的老照片。Today, my grandpa keeps and old, candid photo on his nightstand of my grandma and him laughing together at some party in the 1960’s.

宽敞的帐篷里有一张舒适的床、一盏防风灯和一张床头小桌。My tent was as delightful and extravagant as the meal—a roomy tent adorned with a comfortable bed, a hurricane lantern and nightstand.

在床头柜上、在沙发上、在你排队的地方、在你坐下来的地方,iPad如影随形。The iPad is for the nightstand. And for the sofa, and for the places between where you stand in line and where you sit at your desk.