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我善于使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习…I help my students learn language enjoyably and easily by creating lively scenes.

每年,千百万访客在美国各地安全和愉快地完成旅行。Each year millions of visitors travel safely and enjoyably throughout the United States.

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你对这句话体会越深,你实现目标的时候就会更容易并且更愉快。The better you understand this, the more easily and enjoyably you’ll achieve your goals.

这些贴士可以帮助你在天气转冷是安全愉快地锻炼。These tips can help you safely — and enjoyably — exercise when the weather turns chilly.

在未来的数个月,我们将会更加有趣地看到它的发展轨迹。In several months of future, we will more the development contrail that enjoyably sees it.

剑桥为儿童提供了正确的学习方法,因此您的孩子可以愉快、迅速的学好英语。The programme uses the right methods so your child can learn English quickly and enjoyably.

我认为重点是在于能够把情节充分地表达出来,让观众可以享受地欣赏。I think that the key point is to be able to express the scenario that one has read enjoyably.

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而且,他在舞台上常常很享受地在报幕阶段与歌迷互动。And he on the stage often reacted enjoyably to the request from the fans during the MC period.

而这些小伙伴会给你一些关于如何有效学习和怎么愉快生活的建议。They will give you many helpful tips or advice about studying efficiently and living enjoyably.

这就需要我们教师运用多种教学方法,生动有趣地组织教学。This needs our teacher to use a variety of teaching methods, vivid enjoyably organizes education.

学生获取知识的渴望和愉快和满意的教师收益从他的工作。The students gain knowledge eagerly and enjoyably and the teacher gains satisfaction from his job.

学生获得知识的热切和愉快和满意的教师收益从他的工作。The students gain knowledge eagerly and enjoyably and the teacher gains satisfaction from his job.

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运动是控制体重的重要方法,而全息健康蹦则可以让你快速、容易和十分享受地燃烧掉过剩的热卡。Exercise is an important part of weight control, and HoloHealth Bounce burns calories quickly, easily and enjoyably.

镶有穿孔式直棂窗的红砖墙非常迷人,与传统的英格兰田园风情相比有些似是而非。The red brick walls with punched, mullioned windows are enjoyably like-but-unlike traditional New England vernacular.

阻碍人们愉快的达到目标的一个主要原因就是从一开始,他们确立的目标就是错误的。A major obstacle that prevents people from enjoyably achieving their goals is that they set their goals incorrectly to begin with.

按照这里所列的步骤,你能够快速、轻松,而且是充满乐趣的学会一种语言。Follow the steps herein, and you will learn the language of your choice quickly, easily, inexpensively, enjoyably and on your own.

一个有凝聚力的团体和参与有趣的挑战训练可以帮助孩子们学习宝贵的社交技巧。A cohesive team environment and involvement in enjoyably challenging practices help children learn invaluable social and personal skills.

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你也可能自学成才,但是你会发现老师的经验、交流共鸣和知识将会帮助你更加迅速、更加愉悦的达到目的地。You may be able to accomplish that yourself, but you'll find the teacher's experience, empathy, and knowledge will get you there faster and more enjoyably.

这种小飞机令人愉快,感觉亲切,而且性能良好,但它们的安全要求与那些在空高飞行的巨型飞机很不一样。These smaller craft are enjoyably intimate and perfectly airworthy, but they have safety require-ments quite different from those of the high-flying behemoths.

在非物质时代里,对于人机交互界面的设计来说,不仅要满足用户对功能的需求,还要让用户能够简单、愉悦的使用。In the immaterial society, the interactive interface design has to not only meet the needs of users to function, but also let users utilize it simply and enjoyably.