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设计一台新仪器。Devise a new instrument.

你能弹奏乐器么?Can you play an instrument?

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是一种键盘乐器It's a keyboard instrument.

这个乐器还能拉奏。The instrument still plays.

还有打击乐器And a percussion instrument.

大脑是强大的工具。Yourmind is a great instrument.

用来采摘蛇麻草的工具。An instrument for picking a lock.

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那么第一个乐器是什么?So what was the first instrument?

低音的黄铜制管乐器。The lowest brass wind instrument.

你会玩乐器或者唱歌吗?Do you play an instrument or sing?

你必须要监测所有事情。You have to instrument everything.

中提琴是一种弦乐器。The viola is a stringed instrument.

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这架仪器很灵敏。This instrument is highly sensitive.

不失为一套好的演示教学仪器。It is a good instrument for teaching.

这时一个打击乐器加入进来Then a percussion instrument came in.

什么乐器是中提手最妒忌的?What instrument do violists envy most?

这个奇妙的乐器就是月琴。This wonderful instrument is the yu-kin.

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那么风笛是怎样一种乐器呢?What kind of instrument is the bagpipe ?

只是玩乐器找乐。I just play a musical instrument for fun.

要是我能演奏一种乐器就好了。I wish I could play a musical instrument.