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你听见这疯狂的闲谈了吗?Did you hear his frenzied tattle?

邮件进入了疯狂的扩张期。Mail into a frenzied period of expansion.

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这会不会逼他太甚,导致他进行疯狂的进攻?Will this push him too far and lead to a frenzied attack?

在竞拍棒球夹克时,叫价现场变得狂热起来。When the Mets jacket came up, the bidding became frenzied.

茨维塔耶娃内心有一种想要离开莫斯科的狂热冲动。Tsvetayeva was possessed by a frenzied urge to get out of Moscow.

他试着避开他所造成的事故残骸,然而,狂乱逃跑中He tried to avoid the wreck he had caused, but in his frenzied flight

这往往能让整个高新产业为之抓狂,并疯传各种谣言。This drives the tech industry crazy and creates a frenzied rumor mill.

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在如今这个狂乱的世界,细微的表达爱意的举动或许会越发罕见。Subtle shows of affection maybe increasingly rare in our frenzied world.

在现在这个狂乱哒世界,轻微滴抒发爱意得举措或者会越发常见。Subtle shows of affection may be increasingly rare in our frenzied world.

霎那间,一大群犹太人从四面八方的黑洞里发疯似地冲了出来。Instantly from the dark holes all round, there was a frenzied rush of Jews.

在旧金山,尽管疯狂的叫价已逐渐平息,但房价仍在攀升。In San Francisco, prices are still rising even as frenzied overbidding quiets.

在旧金山,高价抢购现象虽然销声匿迹了,可价格依旧看涨。In San Francisco, prices are still rising even as frenzied overbid ding quiets.

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空气里充满着兴奋的因子,在一天里,整个城市似乎从熟睡中醒过来变得狂乱起来。The air buzzes with excitement and in one day the city goes from sleepy to frenzied.

一场疯狂的清洁工作正在进行,以使运动员村“适宜居住”。A frenzied clean-up job will likely make the athlete's village "fit for human habitation.

Groupon的最新举措是在对因特网新兴公司的特别狂热时期采取的。The latest step by Groupon comes during a particularly frenzied period for Web start-ups.

什么发现可以如此强大有力,以至于它招致了很多心理学家的疯狂反驳?What finding could be so powerful that it sent many psychologists into frenzied rebuttals?

银心是一个混乱的区域,从中辨识出早期恒星很难。Our galaxy's core is a frenzied place, and identifying baby stars there has been difficult.

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五年时间,我的行动力在逐渐提升,直到去年冬天,它几乎到达了疯狂的地步。For five years, my doing slowly increased until this past winter it reached a frenzied pace.

对于尼赫鲁坎普的饥渴寻水的人们来说,地缘政治问题早已无从谈起。For the people in Nehru Camp, geopolitical concerns are lost in the frenzied pursuit of water.

不断增加的人口和大肆的开发已开始让这个脆弱的岛屿感到了压力。The rising population and frenzied pace of development have put stress on this fragile island.