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合十礼,爱大家!Namaste. Love you all.

Namaste意味着什么呢?What does Namaste mean?

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你知不知道通向“彪悍”?Do you know the way to "Namaste"?

Namaste转译成很多事情。Namaste translates into many things.

双手合十是泰国最基本的礼节。Namaste is a basic manner in Thailand.

亲爱的我们正处在最后的时刻。Namaste beloveds, we are in the final times.

我们给人类扩展出Namaste的全部涵义。We extend unto mankind the full meaning of Namaste.

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我们将以一句特别的梵文问候语结束脑——“双手合十”。We'll end with a special Sanskrit GREeting—"namaste."

我如此心爱的朋友,我们的问题到达你们每个人,合十。So my beloved ones, we issue forth to each of you, Namaste.

Namaste意味着很多事物,所转译的意义是十分深刻的。Namaste means many things and the translations are quite deep.

我们的通灵管道已将她随时间“Namaste”所创造的所有碎片进行标记。Our channel has signed all pieces ever generated through her over time "Namaste".

合十礼儿童创造更大,更好的东西比未来的时尚玩具的孩子。Namaste Kid has created something bigger and better for kids than the next fad toy.

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这才有了其对那马斯特实验室的收购,这家美国公司的业务是制造非洲人和非洲裔美国人使用的发制品。Hence the recent takeover of Namaste Laboratories, an American firm that makes hair products for Africans and African-Americans.

在利莫里亚语里,Namaste是一个古老的词语,被用来激活两个或更多灵魂间潜在真相的深刻察觉。In Lemurian, "Namaste" is an ancient word that was utilized to trigger the deep awareness between two or more souls of their underlying truth.

最后是我的代理商,罗伊、艾瑞克、史瑞克、乔蒂帕罗,我一定得这样做,特别是为了这部片,能有你们的支援真好,感谢电影艺术学院,谢谢。Finally, my agent, Carin Sage and lawyer, Ira Schreck, and Joe Dapello, I have to do that. Especially for this movie, it's great to have your support. Thank you, Academy. Xie xie, namaste.