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潜艇固若金汤,海上攻击打不倒。The submarine is invulnerable to attack while at sea.

可以说,他是混战中的一个无懈可击的侏儒。He might have been called the invulnerable dwarf of the fray.

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海洋看似坚不可摧因为它广博而且未经充分开发。The ocean seems invulnerable because it is vast and under-explored.

用我的主炮可以有效杀伤哪些敌人?。What enemies can I fight successfully and which one are invulnerable to my gun?

因为他妈妈抓着他的脚后跟,没沾到神水,就成了他的致命弱点。So he became invulnerable everywhere the water touched him, except for his heel.

但数百名举行了地上,交叉掩护,形成一个固若金汤的方阵。But hundreds more held their ground, overlapping shields to form an invulnerable phalanx.

一个魔法门六中的魔法,会石化敌人使其不受任何伤害。A spell in The Might and Magic VI that will turn enemy into stone thus make it invulnerable.

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完全停止目标所有行动,但目标亦变成不能攻击。维持30秒。Banishes the enemy target. Preventing all action but making it invulnerable for up to 30 sec.

修正了一个错误,出现菜单打开营中的死亡可以让球员无懈可击。Fixed a bug where dying with appearance menu opened in the camp could make the player invulnerable.

现实情况依然是,尽管她貌似一个军事强国,但其空防却远非无懈可击。The act remains that, though seemingly a big military power, she is far from invulnerable in her air defense.

我们也许会觉得在聚光灯下无懈可击,但我们不想让自己被发现是某个人的观众。We might feel invulnerable in the spotlight, but we don’t want to be caught sitting in someone else’s audience.

然而,现实情况仍然是,虽然她貌似一个军事强国,但是她的空防远非无懈可击。The fact, however, remains that, though seeming a big military power, she is far from invulnerable in her air defense.

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处于狭窄深邃冰山上的品牌较难受到竞争者的攻击,当然它们也是非常赚钱的,想想豪华手表中的劳力士吧。Brands that are narrow and deep are almost invulnerable to competitive attacks. Furthermore, they usually are incredibly profitable.

旅馆的建筑师表示,方舟贝壳状的拱形和锚定结构可以平均分配重量,因此地震也难以撼动旅馆分毫。Architects say the Ark's shell-like construction of arches and cables evenly distribute weight so it is also invulnerable to earthquakes.

虎王坦克强大的火力和厚重的装甲创造一个强大的形象,几乎是刀枪不入的坦克。However, the great firepower and armor of the King Tiger created the impression of a powerful armored force with almost invulnerable tanks.

法院认为,国会在立法时的意图是,租约赋予的权利不能因其后颁布的条例而作废。The court held that congress had intended vested rights under the lease to be invulnerable to defeasance by subsequently issued regulations.

尽管如此,因为他们在一个集体里并且有着同样的队名,感觉他们是天不怕地不怕的,常常跑到公共场合在人群前跳曳步舞。However, because they are in a group and are all under the same crew-name, they feel like they are invulnerable and go and shuffle in public in front of crowds.

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裸鼹鼠看上去似乎象它的外表一样脆弱,研究员目前发现这种无毛獠牙啮齿目动物对酸和辣椒的刺激刀枪不入的。As vulnerable as naked mole rats seem, researchers now find the hairless , bucktoothed rodents are invulnerable to the pain of acid and the sting of chili peppers.

相比之下,潜基弹道导弹可以提供更可信以及更安全的核威慑,敌方的第一次和第二次打击能力对其都是无解的。By contrast ballistic missile submarines provide a much more credible and secure nuclear deterrent that is invulnerable to both first and second strike capabilities.

有人说这个附魔能赋予它的使用者百人之力,也有人说它能使它的所有者像闪电一样快速,或者完全免除魔法的伤害。Some claim the enchantment bestows upon its wielder the strength of a hundred men, others say that it makes its owner lightning fast, or completely invulnerable to magic.