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减少投入市场的时间。Reduced time-to-market.

车价降下来了。The price for cars reduced.

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降低设计和代码重复率Reduced design and code re-work

他变得骨瘦如柴。He is reduced to skin and bones.

精简指令集计算机。Reduced Instruction Set Computer.

准星缩减为一个点。The crosshair is reduced to a dot.

缐一个人好好过,何苦在爱情里沦落。A person live in love, why reduced.

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排尿减少或者赤尿。Reduced urine output or dark urine.

许多人减少了工作时间。Many people have seen hours reduced.

冗余被减少或消灭。Redundancy is reduced or eliminated.

这场火灾把那所房子化为灰烬。The fire reduced the house to ashes.

那可怜的人沦落为乞丐。The poor man was reduced to begging.

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一位仁慈的法官为他减了刑。A clement judge reduced his sentence.

请把结果化为最简分数后再输入。Always enter your results as reduced.

渐渐地,我减少了观看电视的时间。Then slowly, I reduced my TV viewing.

叶互生,退化成鳞片状。Leaves alternate, reduced into scales.

那老人瘦成骷髅般。The old man was reduced to a skeleton.

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精灵之火的魔法消耗从75降低到35。Faerie Fire cost reduced to 35 from 75.

他的投机使他陷于赤贫。His speculation reduced him to beggary.

旅游相关的问题可能会减少。Travel-related problems may be reduced.