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本人觉这本书很有趣。I find the book entertaining.

现在你还是乐在疑惑之中么?Are you entertaining doubts today?

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那是我唯一会自娱自乐的时间。It's the only time I'm entertaining.

我觉得那个最具娱乐性。I found that one the most entertaining.

我知道你觉得那个最具娱乐性。I know you found it the most entertaining.

否则,你不会真正地得到娱乐。otherwise you're not entertaining anymore.

作好的演讲者必须要有“娱乐精神”?Do good presenters have to be entertaining?

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平面是理想的生活和娱乐性。Floorplan is ideal for living and entertaining.

而娱乐节目也可能是其中的一个因素。But perhaps entertaining shows are also contributing.

他喜欢用下流故事来逗他的朋友们开心。He loves entertaining his friends with ribald stories.

高年级学生可能觉得电影非常搞笑。High-schoolers may find the movie highly entertaining.

我们的老板招待客户非常慷概大方。Our boss is very generous in entertaining our clients.

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我的王与皇后,我只是在招待你们的客人。My king and queen, I was just entertaining your guests.

这才让舞台催眠师的表演那么具有娱乐性。This is what makes stage hypnotist shows so entertaining.

航班时刻表——一本娱乐性的平装本小说。Flight Schedule- An entertaining work of paperback fiction.

衷心的感谢铁岭鹰友的盛情款待!Heartfelt thanks Tieling hawk friend entertaining lavishly!

电视新闻节目是庄重的、严肃的,不应走向娱乐化。TV news would rather be grave and serious than entertaining.

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很棒的平面和特性使得它非常适合娱乐。Great floorplan and features make it perfect for entertaining.

如果上帝真瞅着咱们,至少咱可以有点喜感吧!If God is watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining.

事实上,上选修课或者没有学分的课程都是有娱乐性质的。In fact, make the elective or non-credit classes entertaining.