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这也显示出现在这个金融监管者的管理范围能有多大的延伸。This shows just how far a financial supervisor's purview now extends.

梅森不愿意从命,因为这事并不在参议院的权力范围之内。Mason is reluctant because this does not fall under the Senate's purview.

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预防措施同样也超出卫生部门的职权范围。Likewise, preventive measures fall outside the purview of the health sector.

严密的安全措施,多级多用户管理,权限自定义。Strict security measure , multi-levels user administration, customized purview.

此外,系统具有强大的管理权限与灵活的授权机制。Besides, this system possesses strong purview management function and accredit regulation.

鬼魂以及死者属于此奥秘范围内,以及灵魂的健康。Ghosts and the dead fall under the purview of this Arcanum , as does the health of the soul.

只有促成这种视域与范式的变化,才有真正的司法刑法学。Only with the change in purview and paradigm can we have judicial criminal law in the real meaning.

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欧元区的设计师有意限制了欧洲央行的权力范围,以免让它受到政治影响。The euro zone's architects purposely limited the ECB's purview to shield it from political influence.

同样让人感到忧虑的是,国资委在其权限范围内对企业的管控权力并不清晰。What some see as equally worrying is SASAC's unclear mandate for managing the firms under its purview.

然而一般而言,寻找并辨识这些潮流或者运动往往是历史学家的专职。Traditionally, though, identifying those trends or movements was predominately the purview of historians.

捡拾城市片段的人事地物,陆先铭以纪实的眼光择取了纪录的对象。By selecting fragments of the city, Lu Hsien -Ming chooses to memorialize actual objects within our purview.

但是,要想真正做到这样,需要创新的思维方式,而这可能正是小企业主缺乏的品质。But getting there involves the kind of creative thinking that might be outside a small-business owner's purview.

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政府的版本也留下了总理和从Lokpal更高司法机关的职权范围。The Government version also leaves out the Prime Minister and the higher judiciary from the purview of the Lokpal.

然后根据实际,合理安排现场和控制室的操作权限,给出了切实可行的切粒机控制方案。Based on the fact, then arranged the operation purview in reason, and presented the better control project of Cutter.

职业服务的范围很广,从个人、扶轮社、职场,到社区都可以做职业服务。The purview of Vocational Service covers a wide range, from the individual to the club to the workplace to the community.

同样的,一个用户对应的权限也是可变的。这样,用户便可以在自己所拥有的权限范围之内将自己的事办到最好。The purview of the role was alterable and so was that of the user and therefore, the user could do best within their sphere.

几十年来,货币政策一直属于中央银行的权力范围,但是央行本身是一个政治薄弱的机构。For decades, currency policy has been the purview of the central bank, but the central bank is a politically weak institution.

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市场能做的交给市场,社会能办的分给社会,政府该管的管好。Government will leave to the market and society what they can do well while concentrating on those matters within its purview.

一种方式是货币政策,用于调节货币供应量及信贷量,这是联邦储备系统职权范围内的事。One is monetary policy, the purview of the Fed, which deals with the amount of money and availability of credit in the economy.

就个人而言,我赞成的看法,首相应该纳入了Lokpal范围有以下几个原因。Personally, I favour the view that the Prime Minister ought to be brought under the purview of the Lokpal, for several reasons.