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避开新闻。Eschew the news.

避开任何决定。Eschew any decisions.

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苹果曾是第一批采用非软盘驱动的电脑厂商之一。Apple was one of the first computer makers to eschew floppy disk drives.

还有,偶尔我也彻底避开幽默,只是直截了当地告诉人们信息。Plus, occasionally I eschew humor entirely, and just try to inform people.

今年这些官员被要求避开昂贵的宴请和这些小玩意儿。This year they've been instructed to eschew fancy banquets and tchotchkes.

你可以逃避所有跟人的接触因为他们可能是居心叵测的坏人。You can eschew all contact with people because of the possibility of hurt.

而一旦放弃这些手段各国在反恐时就会显得束手束脚。To eschew such tools is to fight terrorism with one hand tied behind your back.

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中国用于避开多边主义,不信任它一些一种阴谋。China used to eschew multilateralism, distrusting it as some kind of conspiracy.

我不想让它听起来像是我在回避石油却为天然气和煤块提供了通行证。I don't want it to sound like I eschew oil but give natural gas and coal a pass.

慢旅族们放弃搭乘飞机旅行,也不会选择去远途的地方做短暂停留。Slow travelers eschew plane travel and especially short breaks in distant places.

他们必须发誓要绝对禁欲,避开所有贪婪和欲望的想法。They must take the vow of absolute continence and eschew all thought of greed and lust.

成虫会避免此种捕食方式,典型的以花蜜或花粉为食,虽然某些萤火虫成虫压根不进食。Adults eschew such prey and typically feed on nectar or pollen, though some adults do not eat at all.

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施孟奇计划中的“山寨版”春晚将避开名人、盛大的场面、还有专业人士。Mr. Shi's planned do-it-yourself variety show will eschew celebrities, flash and, in some cases, talent.

打盹的人通常比他们同年龄中少打盹的人记忆力更好,警惕性也更高。Nappers often have better memories and remain more alert than people in their age group who eschew naps.

虽然最终的细节仍然还需要商讨,但谷歌前进的步伐仍不可避免。While the final details remain to be hammered out, the pace of Google's process makes it hard to eschew.

想到一年中这个时侯桌上的美味小菜多种多样,一些食客,包括我自己在内,都不会选择吃火鸡。Given the variety of delicious side dishes served this time of year, some diners, including myself, eschew the turkey altogether.

也就是说,哈萨克斯坦的统治者们大多依靠恐吓的方式维持统治,尽量避免发生领国乌兹别克斯坦境内的暴行。That said, Kazakhstan’s rulers rely mostly on intimidation and eschew the pervasive brutality practiced in neighboring Uzbekistan.

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我们赞美个性,但我远避扼杀创造性、限制合作和智慧的个人主义。We celebrate individuality, but eschew the individualism that stifles creativity, inhibits collaboration, and limits intelligence.

不像其它科普读物回避等式,Vedral的书中包括了一些等式并且Vedral还尽力向读者说明这些等式。Unlike many popular-science books that eschew equations, Mr Vedral includes a couple and tries his best to explain them to the reader.

下面提到的几个,使用新的字体,有可能引领潮流,成为不变的经典。The following logotypes eschew the popular styles mentioned above and use new typefaces that have the potential to become timeless classics.