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你是怎么处理的?And how do you manage rejection?

但在他温柔的宛然拒绝声中。But with his soft- hearted rejection.

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这包含批评,拒绝等。this includes crticism, rejection etc.

她的拒绝使他难堪和丢脸。Her rejection dashed and humiliated him.

这是一段以色列拒绝和平的时期。This was the period of Israeli rejection.

在他心里仍然深深感到被排斥。He still feels deep rejection in his heart.

最后求职遭拒绝令我很失望。The last job rejection disappointed me badly.

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我既害怕被他拒绝,又担心他接受自己。I was afraid of both his rejection or acceptance.

如果你的项目失败了,你不必面对同行或同事的排斥。If your project fizzles, you won't face rejection.

在一些情况下,它为拒绝提供了缓冲。In other cases it offers a buffer against rejection.

他们把失败和否定看得不那么严重。They don´t take failure or rejection that seriously.

求职再次遭到拒绝的消息使她非常灰心。News of another job rejection disheartened her badly.

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当然,他感觉到了基督徒和犹太教徒的反对。Certainly, he sensed rejection from Christians and Jews.

自我保护表现规则能够显著预测同伴拒绝。Self-protective display rules can predict peer rejection.

印度的拒绝可能被华盛顿的某些人视为对美国的怠慢。The rejection may be seen as a snub by many in Washington.

否则,你将在第一次被拒绝之后再也爬不起来。Otherwise, you will just shy away with the first rejection.

寻找拒绝——为了被回绝时不在意自己的情绪。Seek Out Rejection – to get desensitized to the fear of it.

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直扩序列扩频通信具有隐蔽性,抗干扰能力强的特点。DSSS has the ability of cover-up and interference rejection.

对外贸易经济合作部在45日内决定批准或不批准。MOFTEC shall decide within 45 days on approval or rejection.

该协议忽视了很多东西,所以可能引起人们的强烈反对。The agreement neglects enough to tempt an outright rejection.