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帮我擦擦嘛!Wipe for me!

擦擦你的小嘴巴。Wipe your mouth.

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擦擦眼泪。Wipe your tears.

擦擦屁股。Wipe your bottom.

油漆擦不掉。Paint won't wipe off.

用软布擦净污垢即可。Wipe with the soft cloth.

请把黑板擦一擦。Please wipe off the board.

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来,萨姆,擦擦鼻子。There, Sam, wipe your nose.

用湿布擦拭干净。Wipe clean with a damp cloth.

把他们干掉!全部杀光!Wipe them off! kill them all!

对。快上来!把那边的地擦了。Yes. Come up! Wipe the floor.

以纸巾拭除残留在面上的按摩霜。Gently wipe off with a tissue.

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擦拭厨房的工作台面和辗转。Wipe the countertops and toss.

别忘记擦桌子!Don't forget to wipe the table!

我来替你擦眼泪,收费的。I will help you wipe the tears.

没人帮你擦眼泪。No one to help wipe your tears.

进门时把脚擦一下。Wipe your feet when you come in.

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你连替他擦鞋也不配!You aren't fit to wipe his boot!

吩咐匆忙的凝视者擦去她的眼泪。Bids the rash gazer wipe his eye.

请在垫子上蹭一蹭脚。Please wipe your feet on the mat.