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找一个好制图师。Find a good cartographer.

添加编辑和删除按钮来自定义地图的制图。Added edit and delete buttons to custom maps in the Cartographer.

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这是个简单、效的对象-关系映射工具。Cartographer is a simple, efficient object relational mapper engine.

制图师安迪·伍德拉夫记录下他所走过的所有地方,于是就有了上面这幅美丽的地图。Cartographer Andy Woodruff documents all the places he goes, resulting in the pretty map above.

根据频率图所作的主观判断,因编图人员不同而变化甚大。Subjective judgements based on frequency graphs vary greatly from cartographer to cartographer.

中国唯一的国家制图机构,中国地图出版社,仅仅有20人分配在其电子地图部门。Press, the only national cartographer in China, has a mere 20people in its electronic-mapping division.

匿名制图员介绍网站上的新地图,谷歌地球借用他的资料进行处理。The anonymous cartographer described the new map on the website, Google Earth Hacks using his handle, blackdogprod.

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在1507年,把这些信件当作指导,一个德国的制图员绘制出了一个崭新的地图,用维斯浦奇的名义命名了如今的南美洲那片领土。In 1507, using these letters as his guide, a German cartographer created a new map, naming the territory now known as South America in Vespucci's honor.

在我身上,荣誉的动机存留的时间很长,这使我不想成为一个制图员或邮票交易商,尽管我对这两种职业的兴趣是真实的。In me the glory motive lingered sufficiently to prevent my contemplating a career as a cartographer or stamp dealer, despite those substantive interests.

这是个简单、效的对象-关系映射工具。它使用轻量级数据和工厂对象实现对关系数据的快速访问。Cartographer is a simple, efficient object relational mapper engine. It provides rapid access to relational data using lightweight data and factory java objects.

这就是我对这片动荡之地的调查,在调查中制图师完全不能确定起义发生和结束的界限范围。This is my survey of a tumultuous landscape, done with all the uncertainty of a cartographer who does not know exactly where the boundaries of revolt begin and end.

帕特里夏·基林,一位来自北卡罗来纳州55岁的制图师,已经将清晰之梦应用于各个方面,无论是与死去多年的父亲进行交谈还是狼吞虎咽地吃糖果。Patricia Keelin, a 55-year-old graphic cartographer from northern California, has used lucid dreaming for everything from talking to her long-dead father to gorging on sweets.

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1835年8月,德国一位名叫罗伯特·尚伯克的年轻制图师到达英属圭亚那首都乔治敦,代表英国皇家地理学会开始了他史无前例的旅程。In August 1835, a young German cartographer named Robert Schomburgk arrived in Georgetown, the capital of British Guiana, to begin an epic journey on behalf of the Royal Geographical Society.

如果你去看看由严谨的制图师制作的伦敦地图,你会发现那个地图接近中央的位置会有一个一平方英里大的洞,那就是伦敦城,位于一个名叫伦敦的城市里面。But, if you look map of London crafted by a careful cartographer that map will have a 1-square-mile hole near the middle. It's here where the City of London lives inside of the city named London.