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木—→主东方,春天,青色、绿色。Wood-For east, spring, cyan and green.

该色度计读数针对颜色为青色的一片。This colorimeter reading is for a patch called cyan.

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因为它总会有一股淡青色的甜酸气息。Because it always had a kind of sweet and sour flavor cyan.

你跑进一条河里,你变成了一条小青蛇。You run into a river, and you become one little cyan snake.

除了它是明亮的青色,看起来是由水或者一种奇怪的材料填充满的。Except it's bright cyan. Seems full of water or made of a weird material.

蓝绿色的花瓶来自宜家,旧家具是在路上捡的。The cyan vase is from Ikea, and the old furniture was found on the street.

看那绶带上的青紫色,就知道他是高官显爵。We can see from the cyan and purple on the ribbon that he is of high rank.

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青色代表圆形或球形,有冷酷、湿润、透明的感觉。Cyan represents a circle or globose , have callous, wet, transparent feeling.

地块及河流边缘的青色条带显示可能的小块冰雪分布。Cyan strips along the edges of fields and rivers may be patches of snow and ice.

这一技术使用对环境无害的蓝绿色的染料来制造音轨。It uses cyan dye , which is environmentally friendly, to create the audio track.

当然你也可以选用自己喜欢的颜色,在这里我就选择了我选择的是蓝绿色的渐变。Obviously the choice colour palette is down to you, but here I’m using a mix of green and cyan.

蒙古族喝的咸奶茶,用的多为青砖茶或黑砖茶,煮茶的器具是铁锅。Mongolians use iron pans to brew salty milk tea, usually with cyan brick tea or black brick tea.

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人们可以在色彩平衡的图像通过添加或删除在每个像素数量的蓝红。One may color balance the red in an image by adding or removing the amount of Cyan in each pixel.

青成色剂是制造彩色胶卷所用的原材料之一,它的主体含量的多少直接影响着胶片的照相性能。Cyan coupler is raw material made for colour film, its content influence on the performance of film.

我们的办公室有一幅巨大的油画,一个无家可归的女孩画的,Cyan从一个慈善拍卖会上带回来的。In our office we have gigantic painting done by a homeless girl that Cyan bought at a charity auction.

单一标准的青蓝色的家具突出了其质感和存在感。The monochrome, standardised cyan blue serves to accentuate the monumental qualities of the furniture.

利物浦2011-12赛季的第三球服上面带有蓝色——或者用俱乐部的话来说,带有青色。Liverpool FC's third kit for the 2011-12 season incorporates blue – or, as the club delicately puts it, cyan.

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通常印刷使用黄、品红、青和黑四种分色版和相应的油墨印刷。Generally, we use the yellow, magenta, cyan and black, four color separation to print with the appropriate ink.

马里兰大学的研究者们并没有用一个尖锐的的微小光纤把蓝绿光极化进金色表面。The Maryland researchers inject polarised cyan light into a gold surface using a tiny optical fibre with a fine tip.

清灰的砖石、青色的窗棂、红色的楹联,构成了盛塘民居的基本颜色。The light grey bricks, cyan window lattices and red couplets make up the basic colors of the residence in Shengtang Village.