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我享受西班牙示的温暖。I enjoy the warmth of Spain.

是温情?Was it the rating of warmth?

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这种透过电话的温暖。This warmth over the telephone.

有时候,温暖是不够的。Sometimes, warmth is not enough.

给我们带来沮暖和幸福。It brings us warmth and happiness.

千岁暖。千分之一的温暖。Chitose warm. Thousandth of warmth.

动人的热情使她容颜生光。Charming warmth brightened her face.

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没有东西能激发他父亲般的温暖。Nothing sparked his fatherly warmth.

温度和水分使种子发芽。Warmth and moisture germinate seeds.

热疗是治感冒的最好方法。Warmth is the best remedy for colds.

还有感受你拥抱的温暖。And feel the warmth of thine embrace.

我那温暖的回忆将非你们莫属。My memories of warmth will be of you.

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感觉温度的闪烁和灵魂的骚动Feel wink of warmth and stir of spirit

她孤独的心感到了一阵暖意。She felt a warmth in her lonely heart.

太阳把他温暖的光芒洒向大地。The sun sheds his warmth on the earth.

沉思的暖意穿过我的胸脊。This brooding warmth across my breast.

大厅里洋溢着热情友好的气氛。The hall effuses warmth and hospitality.

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他们挤在炉火边取暖。They bunched around the fire for warmth.

带着空气的潮气,泥土的热。Bringing moisture of air, warmth of soil.

橘色同样表达着活力和温暖。Orange has an energy and warmth about it.