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我正在写一个幻灯显示程序,该程序要显示JPEG图像序列。Q I'm writing a slide show program that shows a sequence of JPEG images.

提出了一类抗压缩的鲁棒加半脆弱双水印算法。A dual watermarking algorithm that accepted JPEG compression was presented.

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会有一个特殊的工具可以让您以Jpeg格式上传孩子的画作。There is a special tool for you to upload the resulting drawing, in JPEG format.

这个模块是用来把JPEG图片存储到指定的文件夹中。This plugin is used to store JPEG images of the input plugin in a specified folder.

哈夫曼编码是哈夫曼树的一个应用。哈夫曼编码应用广泛,如JPEG中就应用了哈夫曼编码。Huffman coding is widely used, such as JPEG in the application of the Huffman coding.

其次,对JPEG图像随机LSB隐写系统给出了提取攻击的方法。Sencondly, we discuss the extracting attack to random LSB steganography of JPEG images.

图像经JPEG压缩后通过公众电话网进行远程传输。Still im-age is at first compressed by using JPEG algorithm, and then transfered via PSTN.

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把它们发到[email protected],截止日期是7月19日,星期一,下午2点,jpeg或gif格式都可以,要带标题。Send them to [email protected] by 2pm on Monday 19 July as a jpeg or gif, complete with aCAPTION.

大多数浏览器识别GIF和JPEG图像格式,新一些的浏览器还可以识别PNG图片格式。Most browsers understand GIF and JPEG image formats, newer browsers also understand the PNG image format.

对JPEG图像随机LSB隐写系统的提取实际上是对隐写密钥的恢复。The point of the extracting attack to random LSB steganography of JPEG images is to recover the stego-key.

例如一个html页面请求、文本文件、JPEG和GIF图片由IIS处理。For example, any incoming request for HTML pages, text files, JPEG and GIF images is processed by IIS itself.

先把图片解压,然后在上面添加OSD,最后编码成JPEG格式的图片文件。First picture decompression, and then add in the above OSD, the final encoding into a JPEG format image files.

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该技术真正能够抵抗几种图象处理和JPEG有损压缩。The proposed technique could actually survive several kinds of image processing and the JPEG lossy compression.

对JPEG压缩,噪声,滤波等常规攻击,提取水印的相似度均在0.95以上。For traditional attacks such as JPEG compression, added noise and filtering, the similarities are all above 0.95.

这是机内处理过程,在拍摄JPG格式时进行的,也会显示在相机的LCD屏上。This mimics the in-camera processing that occurs when you shoot JPEG and it’s also what you see on the camera’s LCD.

除非另获署长同意,报告内所有图形均须以交错存取的GIF,JPEG或PDF格式制定。All graphics in these Reports shall be in interlaced GIF, JPEG or PDF format unless otherwise agreed by the Director.

果就是绝大数时候同一个图像存储在Webp中的像素值比存储在JPEG中的少多了。The result is that fewer pixel values need to be stored in most WebP image files than in a JPEG file of the same image.

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图像压缩工具允许轻松的进行压缩,编辑和调整图片大小。JPEG Reducer shrinks the sizes of your images and photos to make them load faster, and works by using lossy compression.

你能够也保存你的全景如高质量联合图象专家组在一台本人的打印机上印刷的文件或者通过一个联机实验室。You can also save your panoramas as high-quality JPEG files for printing on a personal printer or through an online lab.

实验结果显示此信息隐藏策略对抵抗JPEG失真压缩亦具有强韧性。The experimental result shows the proposed strategy of steganography is also effective against the JPEG lossy compression.