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对于非品酒师,一切都是柔和的。For non-tasters, everything is pastel.

我们有几个不同血统的“粉彩”。We have a few different bloodlines of "Pastel".

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清淡柔和的冷色调正适合夏天。Cool pastel shades are just the right for summer.

温和淡雅的颜色能达到这一目的。The softer, pastel colours contribute to that goal.

我们使用的是粉彩博厄斯更好地寻找蛇。We are using the Pastel Boas to make better looking snakes.

她有一张可爱的脸,她喜欢用腊笔画画。She had a lovely face, liked laughing and drawing with pastel.

她总是穿着完美的套装,柔和的颜色,搭配绝佳。She's always in perfect suits, you know, pastel colours, all matching.

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夏季的颜色大都数都是明亮色,像糖果的颜色,暖暖的颜色。Colors that are great for summer are bright, candy like, pastel colors.

平坦的,柔和的图片添加搞活细节的重复文本。The flat, pastel pictures add enlivening details to the repetitive text.

了解如何使用黑纸在这个自由粉彩粉彩艺术影片的教训。Learn how to use pastels on black paper in this free pastel art video lesson.

该频率有着淡粉彩虹与淡银混合的色彩。The frequencies have the color of pale pastel rainbow mixed with pale silver.

舍弃碎花,试试深底色上面大一些的印花。Instead of picking dainty pastel florals, try a larger print in darker colors.

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了解如何混纺黑纸在这个自由粉彩粉彩艺术影片的教训。Learn how to blend pastels on black paper in this free pastel art video lesson.

在南达科他的一片荒地里,一只野牛形影相吊,头上的天宇蜡染般的漂亮。A lone bison pauses at sundown beneath the pastel sky of South Dakota's Badlands.

再接下来,出现的是使人联想到金凤花的柔和的黄色圆点。And the next, circular smudges of pastel yellow color reminiscent of butter cups.

这部电影展现许多柔软的织物,柔和的颜色以及优雅的织物印花图案。The movie features lots of soft fabrics, pastel colors and delicate floral prints.

宋瓷总是粉彩颜色深蓝色不过,愈是重视。Aquamarine is always a pastel blue but the darker the colour, the more valued it is.

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崧蓝绿色的弹性座垫和崧蓝绿色桌面相互辉映。The pastel turquoise seat cushionsmatched the pastel turquoise laminate of the table top.

他们靠近一座老旧楼房,爬满藤条的铁架子上面点缀着彩色的玫瑰。They approached an olden building warmed by pastel roses climbing a wrought-iron pergola.

深色调给人一种权威的感觉,而清淡柔和的色调使人感到亲切。Dark colors give an aura of authority while lighter pastel shades suggest approachability.