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在期中之前至少交一篇说明,在第24课前交另一篇。Do at least one explication by midterm, another before Lecture 24.

麦肯批评说对“区域”一词的含义缺少解释。McKen criticises the lack of explication of what the term "areas" means.

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为森林公园的旅游解说系统的发展提出了一些建议。The development of a tourism explication system of forest parks was recommended.

但要解释清楚错综复杂的金融和法律问题是件技术活。But the explication of intricate financial and legal issues is an art form not easily mastered.

简单地题材归类不足以对邓一光的作品进行准确的解读,“生命传奇”是邓一光作品的共有特色。A simple sorting of subject matters is inadequate to give an exact explication of Deng Yiguang's works.

我的意思是说除此这外,如果你只打算再读一篇文章的话,那么我推荐你去读读布拉德·德隆对于眼下混乱不堪的金融业的独特见解。If you only read one other post today, it should be Brad DeLong’s marvelous explication of the financial mess.

介绍了旅游解说系统的基本概念,分析了森林公园的向导式旅游解说和自导式旅游解说。The guide type of tourism explication and self-guide type of tourism explication of forest park were analyzed.

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每一种释义各有其适用的文本范围,也各有其观念和方法论上的优势和局限。Every explication fits for appropriate text, and each has its advantages and defects on ideology and methodology.

翻译,无论是文学翻译还是非文学翻译,都离不开对原文的理解和解释。Any kind of translation, literary or unliterary, is bound up with the understanding and explication of source text.

之后我们会针对模型这一方面作进一步详述,以证明这并非是一个“异想天开”的分析。Some further explication of these aspects of this model should make it clear this model is not one of "wild" analysis.

比彻的修辞形势理论对修辞形势这一概念作了清晰的表述。Bitzer s rhetorical situation theory is still the most authoritative and most explicit explication of the concept of rhetorical situation.

本论文采用了增译、减译、说明、删译和改译等翻译策略。This thesis adopts some specific translation strategies including addition, deletion, literal translation plus explication and adaptation.

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就该理论在石油开发领域注水引致的套管损坏及产层出砂问题的具体应用进行了简单的讨论。Two practical problems in the petroleum exploitation about casing collapse and sand production are taken as examples to make some explication.

本文尝试应用新兴的认知语言学的基本理念对汉语一价动词进行新的分析并给以解释。This paper attempts to apply the basic theory of the rising cognitive linguistics to giving new explication to the one-valence verb in Chinese.

在画上题诗,至少说明了一点,画里面的诗意有用文字表达的必要。With inscriptions on Chinese paintings, the belief at least becomes manifest, that the poetic meaning of a painting needs some verbal explication.

尽管如此,穆尔杜亦从事精读这种严肃工作,并为某些诗歌逐字逐行地进行注释。For all that, he is also committed to the serious business of the close reading and the explication of particular poems, word by word, line by line.

作者认为,在信息时代的背景下,阐明核心价值对于图书馆和图书馆员职业的发展有着重要的意义。The author argues that explication of the core values of the profession be of great importance to library development in the information-oriented era.

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针对当前市场上较畅销的针织保暖内衣从性能、类别、发展三个方面作了比较系统的叙述。This article aims at the characteristics, types and development of the knitted warmed underwear in the current market and make a systematic explication.

此文是接到在教堂里,至目前为止,因为它声称这本书的颂歌,以一个解说的基督教教义,并启发孝道及道德。This Article is received in this Church, so far as it declares the Book of Homilies to be an explication of Christian doctrine, and instructive in piety and morals.

对于朱熹的“存理灭欲”论,学界由于受“左”的影响,过去对之批评颇多,而对其中的合理因素,几乎未见提到。Affected by the left-inclined thought, people in the learning field are more likely to give criticalization rather than find reasonable factors from his explication.