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我的理解正确吗?Have I understood correctly?

公安局系统正确上传。PSB System Upload correctly.

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务必把这些东西放对地方。Be sure to place them correctly.

让我们慢慢来,把它做好。Let's do it slowly and correctly.

数据是否正确地聚合?Does the data aggregate correctly?

请按正确形式书写下列句子。IX. Write the sentences correctly.

那个词拼得不正确。That word is not spelled correctly.

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没错,就是聚会,你没有看错。Yep, you’re reading this correctly.

他普通话说得很标准。He speaks putonghua quite correctly.

正确地发送数据还不够。Sending data correctly isn't enough.

这些数字加得不对。These figures don't add up correctly.

这些数字加得不对。These figures don’t add up correctly.

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你的名字我念得对吗?Have I pronounced your name correctly?

我是否正确理解了你的文章呢?Do I understand your article correctly?

维内拉图斯现在会正确刷新了。Veneratus the Many now spawns correctly.

如果我没记错,是一个智力竞赛节目。If I remember correctly it's a quiz show.

而路加如实传播了保罗的福音。And Luke correctly passed on Paul's gospel.

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检查参考文献是否准确。Check that the reference appears correctly.

我们下次再来执行一次。But we'll do that again correctly next time.

但它将对它们进行正确的反序列化。However, it will deserialize them correctly.