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他的风格是古灵精怪的。His style is quaint.

但他们断然古雅。But they were decidedly quaint.

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古雅的小店依旧灯火阑珊。Quaint shops still has its lights.

兼善花卉,古雅有致。Poor And have good flowers, quaint.

他用颤抖的嗓音哼了一首稀奇古怪的古老小调。He quavered forth a quaint old ditty.

这里铺衬的都是古朴的民风。Here are quaint shops lining folk customs.

这架钢琴的音色具有一种古雅的老式风味。The piano has a quaint old-world tone about it.

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博帕德是一个有着许多深巷窄道、古香古色的小镇。Boppard is a small, quaint town with narrow streets.

这儿有一座古老的教堂,样子古雅,显得零乱,是带山墙的建筑。Here was an old church, quaint and rambling and gabled.

或者不用开车,仅仅在古色古香的的港口闲逛就能欣赏自然的风光。Or just potter around the quaint little Kalk Bay Harbour.

这项新政策有个古怪的名字“战略耐心。”This new policy had the quaint title ”strategic patience.

在20世纪40年代,那是个健全、精巧的小社区。In the 1940’s it was a wholesome, quaint little community.

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栏杆里有一些古雅精致的小建筑物。Over the parapet showed quaint and fanciful little buildings.

约夏.贝克是一个有趣的活佛,他目前居住在美国。Joshua Becker is the quaint Buddha that lives in modern America.

哈迪满是那样奇特有趣的哥特式想法,古代措辞和想象力。Hardy is full of all those quaint gothic, archaic dictions and fancies.

很久很久以前的一个晚上,我到一个古雅的小村庄去旅行。One night long time ago, my travels took me to a quaint little village.

这些辞汇和句法特征赋予原文一种古雅的颜色。These vocabulary and syntax features a quaint gives the original colors.

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公民自由不只是装饰,不只是古老的美国传统。Civil liberties are not just an ornament, or a quaint American tradition.

本次节目将全部在一辆旅游观光巴士上完成。So all these broads are going to be stuck together on a tour bus. How quaint.

怀特岛常常被当做落后于时代近十年的古雅的地方。The island is often viewed as a quaint place a decade or so behind the times.