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他的飞机在日内瓦停降加油。His plane stopped to refuel in Geneva.

中国加油,北京奥运加油。China refuels , Beijing Olympic Games refuel.

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在巴彦代的村庄里,他们加了个油,吃了个午餐。In the village of Bayanday they refuel and have lunch.

它需要保证能量的供给并恢复活力。It requires a commitment to refuel and restore your vitality.

我去加点油,你清理一下不需要的东西,五分钟后咱们出发。I'm going to refuel and you houseclean, we'll start in 5 minutes.

让草原康神亚麻籽油走进每个家庭,为更多人的健康加油。Grassland Kang God flaxseed oil into every family, health for more people to refuel.

在所有的飞机中,F-16是空军资产列表里面最容易进行空中加油的飞机。By all accounts, the F-16 is the easiest fighter in the Air Force inventory to refuel.

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剧萨拉·斯诺说,香蕉奶昔可以给你消耗了一夜的身体补充能量。According to Sara Snow, banana milkshakes refuel an aching body after a long night out.

而空军认为他们非常需要新的飞机来给飞在半途的飞行器加油。The Air Force says it has a serious need for new planes to refuel aircraft in mid-flight.

而空军认为他们非常需要新的飞机来给飞在半途的飞机来加油。The Air Force says it has a serious needs for new plans to refuel aircraft in mid-flight.

空军表示他们对新的飞机有迫切的需求来给中间站的飞行器补给燃料。The Air Force says it has a serious need for new planes to refuel aircraft in mid- flight.

空军表示现在空军继续能向新型飞机在飞行途中加油的加油机。The Air Force says it has a serious need for new planes to refuel aircrafts in mid-flight.

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空军认为,新飞机需要在中途飞行中补给燃料,他们有一系列这样的需求。The air force says it has a series need for new planes to refuel a aircraft in mid-flight.

是否可以为你的汽车加油?如果有,燃油消耗是怎样计算的?Will there be a possibility to refuel your car? If so, how is the fuel-consumption calculated?

不吃早餐或是早餐胡乱应付就像是跑完马拉松之后不给身体补水,补充能量。To skip breakfast or eat a skimpy one is like failing to rehydrate and refuel after a marathon.

空军说这是飞行中途需要新的补给燃料飞机的紧急需求。The Air Force says it has a series serious need for new planes to refuel aircraft in mid-flight.

使用管道和加油车为战斗机压力加油是现行的两种主要地面加油保障方式。Currently, pipeline and vehicle are the main two approaches used to refuel fighter on the ground.

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中国浙江省省会杭州的一个加油站外,前来加油的柴油车排起了长队。Diesel vehicles queue to refuel at a gas station in Hangzhou, capital of China's Zhejiang Province.

空军说他非常需要一种新型飞机,以提供飞机飞行中途加油。The a Air f Force says it has a serious need for new planes to refill refuel aircraft in mid-flight.

在艺术区参观几个小时之后,可以到艾特咖啡馆喝杯意大利咖啡或者细品一下中国茶。After a couple of hours exploring, refuel with an Italy coffee or Chinese tea at artist-owned At Café.