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类胡萝卜素不仅能作为维生素A的来源,而且能在人体内发挥抗氧化的作用,预防多种疾病的发生。Carotenoids act in vivo not only as provitamin A but also as antioxidant agents to prevent several diseases.

香气浓郁,多汁,清凉解渴,杏子是含矿物质和维生素原A最丰富的水果之一。Flavourful , juicy and refreshing, the apricot possesses one of the highest levels of minerals and provitamin A.

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制备1公斤维生素原浓缩物,约需新鲜马尾松嫩枝叶100公斤。Roughly, 100 kg fresh needles and twigs of Pinus massoniana are needed for preparing 1 kg provitamin concentrate.

富含维生素原A、维生素C、钾、镁、纤维素的木瓜是一种极有营养价值的人口培育水果。Rich in provitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and fibre, papaya is one of the most nutritious cultivated fruits.

配方富含维他命原B5,可温和清洁及呵护中性或偏油性的头发,是日常清洁护理秀发的理想选择。The mild formula containing provitamin B5 cleanses and cares for normal or slightly greasy hair. Ideal for daily use and the whole family.

含深海矿物成分及维他命原B5,令肌肤用后感觉清爽湿润不紧绷。Contain deep-sea and mineral composition and provitamin B5, the feeling after your skin is used is relaxed and humid incompact stretch tight.

维生素原一种由身体通过正常新陈代谢过程,将其转化成活跃形式的维生素的前体,比如。A vitamin precursor that the body converts to its active form through normal metabolic processes. Carotene, for example, is a provitamin of vitamin A.

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山梨醇和维生素原B5密集保湿的属性,同时保护进一步的水分流失的眼睛周围的皮肤极其精细的。Sorbitol and provitamin B5 have intensive moisturizing properties and also protect the extremely fine skin around the eyes area from further moisture loss.

也有人就维生素原在水稻的储存、收获后加工过程的稳定性,以及烹调过程中的热稳定性提出疑问。Questions have also been asked about the stability of the provitamin during storage and post-harvest processing, as well as its thermal stability during cooking.

含有维他命原A超微粒子和活力紧致素,可以有效抗御眼周肌肤的老化现象,让岁月无痕,明眸更加神采怡人。Contain provitamin A super particle and energy astringent that can effectively prevent skin aging around eyes, erase the mark of age, and leave eyes more lustrous and amazing.

将有效的抗皱成份维他命原A与专利的微囊技术相结合,它能渗入肌肤的深层,有效减少皱纹,淡化黑眼圈。Combining effective anti-wrinkle provitamin A with patented micro capsule technique, it can permeate deep into skin to effectively reduce wrinkles and fade out black eye rings.

能深层清润营养眼周肌肤,辅以轻柔转珠按摩,预防眼部肌肤衰老,令眼肌清新舒缓、神采奕奕。Provitamin B5 can deeply moisten and nourish the skin around the eyes. Gently massage the eyes spirally to prevent eye skin from aging and make it fresh, relaxed, healthy and energetic.

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曾经那样善待强调,敏感的嘴唇,这个唇膏与天然蜡包装,安慰洋甘菊提取液,霍霍巴和巴巴树温和,保湿维他命原B5和维生素E的保护。Ever so kind to stressed, sensitive lips, this balm's packed with natural waxes, comforting chamomile extract, gentle jojoba and babassu, moisturizing provitamin B5 and protective vitamin E.