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胞浆内可见嗜碱性点彩。Basophilic stippling can be seen in the cytoplasm.

点画所做的是什么质地的背景变暗。What stippling does is texture and darken the background.

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文人执之如搦毛笔,点画挥洒,气定神闲。Enforcement of such scholars take hold a brush, stippling sway, they dress.

目前已对3或4的好处很多讨论片面的点彩工具。There has been much discussion on the merits of 3 or 4-sided stippling tools.

书法是线条的艺术,也就是以基本点画为基础的艺术。Calligraphy is the art of lines, also based on the basis of basic stippling art.

在这种情况下,面点彩工具可能会帮助他们实现暗色调。In such cases the faceted stippling tool probably helps them achieve darker shades.

小条纹和点彩明显借用了软金属工作。The small striations and stippling are obviously borrowed from work in a soft metal.

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我已经试过都和3和4面点彩工具不产生黑暗,美丽的背景。I've tried both and the 3 and 4-sided stippling tools do produce dark, beautiful backgrounds.

酒馆的门里,散发出了火光,黄色的光,照亮了门廊上的闲逛的人们。Firelight glowed within the door there, stippling the loiterers on the porch with yellow light.

漆点画和打击与一位资深艺术家提示喷枪在这视频免费工艺品喷枪效果。Paint stippling and crack airbrush effects with tips from a veteran airbrush artist in this free crafts video.

一缕鼓槌状的煤烟自火车头的烟囱升腾而起,蒙住了夜空中闪烁的星星。Coal smoke burst from the locomotive's stack in a drumstick plume that dusted the stars stippling the night sky.

漆模具和技巧点画喷枪喷枪出自一位老艺术家的影响这一视频免费工艺品。Paint stencil and stippling airbrush effects with tips from a veteran airbrush artist in this free crafts video.

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想给自己的新居添点彩,那么你可以考虑居室的装修背景墙。Want to add stippling for own new residence, so you can consider the repairing of living quarters background brattishing.

实验结果表明所提出的特征引导图像点画绘制算法可以产生具有手工绘制点画效果的图像。Experimental results show that such feature-guided stippling leads to the production of stylistic and feature-emphasizing dot illustrations.

在无原子吸收仪的医院,嗜碱性点彩红细胞对于儿童中度以上铅中毒诊断有一定的参考价值。In hospitals without atomic absorbing instrument, basophilic stippling erythrocyte counting is valuable for diagnosing moderate lead poisoning.

中度以上铅中毒儿童的血铅与嗜碱性点彩红细胞铅中毒有显著的相关关系。In children with moderate and severe lead poisoning, the basophilic stippling erythrocyte increased significantly with the increase of blood lead level.

顺便说一句,我所有的点彩在显微镜下,和面工具,具有广泛的肩膀可能很难看到周围,所以让他们小。Incidentally, I do all my stippling under the microscope, and faceted tools that have wide shoulders can be difficult to see around, so keep them small.

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中央的有核红细胞细胞质中含有嗜碱性点彩,提示骨髓毒性损伤,如铅中毒。The nucleated RBC in the center contains basophilic stippling of the cytoplasm. This suggests a toxic injury to the bone marrow, such as with lead poisoning.

点画没有什么要做的就是打倒不规则或处理不当的背景,所以不要以为你可以做的背景繁忙的工作,因为该点彩将修复它。What stippling does NOT do is flatten irregular or poorly treated backgrounds, so don't assume you can do a rush-job on the background because the stippling will fix it.

到达边缘,灯光消失在折叠金属板后,为整体效果画上了句号。This effect is completed with just occasional clusters around the periphery, giving the impression of light stippling that blurs to nothing in the fold of the metal cladding.