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透明尖晶石陶瓷面板投影管的屏和锥采用了低熔点玻璃封接。The phosphorescent coating on the inside of the screen of a cathode-ray tube.

科研小组表示,这种磷光性的物质不需要放在阳光下直射。The team said the phosphorescent substance did not need to be exposed to direct sunlight.

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钓索从他肩上一直钻进水里,看来像一道磷光。The line showed like a phosphorescent streak in the water straight out from his shoulders.

他越游越深,睁着眼睛,看着鲣鱼摆着鬼魅的荧光尾在水中来回穿梭。His eyes were open, and he watched the ghostly, phosphorescent trails of the darting bonita.

对长余辉材料中的一些问题,如余辉机理等进行了总结和探讨。Some questions of the LLP materials, such as its phosphorescent mechanism, are also discussed.

深入开展高性能长余辉玻璃的研究和应用开发具有重要的意义。It is very useful to carry out the research of high-quality long-lasting phosphorescent glasses.

他的手因为剥了鱼皮而发出磷光,他仔细察看水流怎样冲击他的手。His hand was phosphorescent from skinning the fish and he watched the flow of the water against it.

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他的手因为在去鱼皮时沾了鱼鳞而发出了鳞光,但他仍注视着从手中流过的水,水流已经减弱了。His hand was phosphorescent from skinning the fish and he watched the flow of the water against it.

如果你夜晚造访此地,会发现这里充满了千百万的磷光生物。If you visit there after dark, you notice that the water is filled with millions of phosphorescent organisms.

同时,火车正穿行在闪烁着美丽磷光的三角标高塔之间。Meanwhile, the train was running among many sankaku-hyo towers standing with beautiful phosphorescent lights.

长余辉发光材料因其具有特殊的储能发光性能,是一类绿色环保型材料。Long phosphorescent materials a new kind of energy storing materials because of their excellent luminescent properties.

一道闪电划过长空,宛如横空飞过的闪着磷光的翅翼,随即,空中滚过了隆隆的沉雷。A light flapped OVER the scene, as if reflected from phosphorescent wings crossing the sky, and a rumble filled the air.

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LG表示,2011年前,其OLED面板产品将使用荧光材料进行制作,而2012年则将转向使用磷光材料制作。According to LG, its OLED panels will use florescent materials until 2011 and then move to phosphorescent materials after 2012.

鱼鳞云下的黄昏中的雅尔塔,19世纪是俄罗斯贵族流行的度假胜地,20世纪时在战争中荒废。Phosphorescent dusk settles over Yalta, a fashionable resort for Russian nobility in the 19th century, war scorched in the 20th.

最近一个令人振奋的进展,基本上就是运用磷光材料成功做到这件事。One recent exciting development builds on the successful application of these phosphorescent materials to potentially do just that.

结果表明该配合物具有强磷光发光特性,器件发绿色光。The results showed that this complex had a strong phosphorescent character and the EL devices based on this complex emitted green light.

此外夜光PP的放射性测试结果表明,添加了硼铝酸盐系列发光粉的PP不属于放射性材料。The results indicate that the luminescent PP with aluminates-class long phosphorescent powders doesn't belong to the radioactive material.

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此外夜光PP的放射性测试结果表明,添加了铝酸盐系列夜光粉的PP不属于放射性材料。The results indicated that the luminescent PP with aluminates-class long phosphorescent powders did not belong among the radioactive materials.

限量版采用了特殊的包装装潢与磷光颜料墨水排放绿色辉光当在黑暗的环境。The limited edition package incorporates a special decorating ink with phosphorescent pigments that emit a green glow when in dark environments.

尽管许多实验室极力要克服这个问题,不过目前仍然没有好的蓝色磷光材料。No good blue-emitting phosphorescent material yet exists, although major efforts are under way at numerous laboratories to remedy this situation.