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您的精选辑包括三首新曲目。Your anthology includes 3 new tracks.

买一些灵性教导的诗集。Buy an anthology of spiritual teachings.

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迈克尔·罗森是这本选集的编者。Michael Rosen is the editor of the anthology.

这本小说集收录了他的作品。His works are included in this anthology of stories.

这是一本妙语连珠篇篇充满智慧的文集。It is an anthology that crackles with wit and wisdom.

在你们的诗集中有精选的托马斯诗歌。There's a good selection from Thomas in your anthology.

一捧沙子就是宇宙的一本选集---大卫。迈克考德。A handful of sand is an anthology of the universe---David McCord.

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而且酒标美观,适合作为馈赠之选。And alcoholic logo is beautiful, suitable for presenting as anthology.

保证最后形成中华诗歌地图最终选本。Ensure that the final map of the final form of Chinese poetry anthology.

诗歌选本是一种极具包容性的文学批评形式。Poetry anthology is an extremely inclusiveness form of literary criticism.

它掀起的问题是提前预示了很多这次选文的本质问题。The questions it raises foreshadow much of the subject matter of this anthology.

同时,小说选本还为阅读和创作提供了范本。Meanwhile, The fiction anthology has also provided a model for reading and writing.

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在卧室里,我找到了一本用手工针线装订成册的内战诗集。In the bedroom, I found a hand-sewn book containing an anthology of civil war poems.

在研究取径上,本文由「作品」与「文化历史」两大面向来切入研究对象。This paper researches the Anthology in two aspects, namely, works and cultural history.

他们根据网路的评论,选编了一部散文集。They selected and compiled an anthology of essays according to criticisms on the Internet.

从梅曾亮诗集自序中提出的“八蔽”说出发,来论述其诗学思想。On the preface of his poetry anthology Mei Zengliang proposed his poetry theory of "Ba-bi".

但是,后来据说作者有些什么问题,于是,这部文集就成了毒草。However, later said that author have problems, then, this anthology is a poisonous weeds. Who says?

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这可能是这部不落俗套的“恐怖”合辑的4个故事里最具教育意义的。This is arguably the most educational of the four stories in this unconventional ‘horror’ anthology.

同样,在英语世界里传播范围最广的唐诗选本也是它。Moreover, it is the most widespread and best-known anthology of T'ang poems in the English-speaking world.

理解力也可能意味着无原则的包容,教学大纲和文集式的包容。Comprehensive, too, can mean unprincipled inclusiveness, the inclusiveness of the syllabus or the anthology.