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他创作改编二胡乐曲达30余首。He creates the reorganization urheen music to reach 30 heads.

仅对用户表进行自动表重组。Only consider user tables for automatic table reorganization.

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大唐电信重组一直以来给外界以迷雾般的印象。Datang Telecom's reorganization has been in confusion all along.

大同国民党军于四月二十九日接受和平改编。The enemy at Tatung submitted to peaceful reorganization on May 1.

二是促进企业兼并重组。Second, we will encourage mergers and reorganization of enterprises.

2006年末被沙钢收买停止资产重组。Sand the end of 2006 was the acquisition of the assets reorganization.

重点行业兼并重组取得新进展。Further progress was made in mergers and reorganization in key industries.

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卵质膜反应是卵质与皮质颗粒包膜的重组过程。Egg membrane reactor is egg quality and coated the CGs reorganization process.

第二天,该单位将被勒令停业整顿业务。The next day, the unit will be ordered to suspend business for reorganization.

机构的改组难免牵涉到收回职权和重新授权的问题。Reorganization inevitably involves some recovery and redelegation of authority.

二十八年之后,通用汽车在重组风波中浴火重生。Twenty-eight years later, GM is emerging from another agonizing reorganization.

你的建议应归入就业改造这一总的范畴。Your suggestion belongs under the general heading of employment reorganization.

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一家拖拉机厂重组成为上海自行车厂。Shanghai Bicycle Factory started off from the reorganization of a tractor factory.

它还同时赢得了时间,因为没人会期待一场重组起到立竿见影的效果。It also buys time, since no one expects a reorganization to be effective immediately.

采取有力措施,推进企业兼并重组。We have taken strong measures to facilitate the merger and reorganization of enterprises.

如果空间效率和顺序性都很低,那么可能应该考虑重组此文件系统。If the space and sequentiality are too low, you might want to consider file system reorganization.

阐述了山东晨鸣纸业集团实施资产重组、低成本扩张的三种形式。The paper introduces three forms of asset reorganization and low cost extension in Chenming Group.

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二次“倒孙风潮”不过是光复会重组的导火线而已。The two trends of overthrowing Sun Yat-sen were merely a fuse of reorganization Restoration League.

改革重组将与发放第三代移动通信即3G牌照相结合。Reform and reorganization will issue third-generation or 3G mobile communications licenses combined.

因此,对该卷的录文进行系统的考订和整理,是本文的着力要做的工作。Therefore, the main job of this article is to make a systematic textual research and reorganization.