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音乐护理是音乐、心理学、护理学结合的产物。Music nursing was the conjunctive product of music, psychology and nursing.

在谓词演算的反驳树中,被证明的合式公式。In the refutation tree of predicate calculus, the proved conjunctive formula.

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文章还通过个案分析,说明英汉语在原因连接成分对应上的常规及变化情况。The paper ends with case observations for causal conjunctive uses in English-Chinese translations.

无论何种连接形式,其相接处均有紧密的相接部位,未见呈开放状态。There were tight junctional points in all the conjunctive sites. The open status was not observed.

城乡结合部作为城市与乡村的交错地带,与市区有着广泛的经济、社会、生态联系。The urban-rural conjunctive region is extensively related to the urban in economy, society and ecology relation.

用优选的离子束辅助沉积工艺参数,沉积出结合强度很高的一些薄膜。The crystal TiB 2 film of high conjunctive intensity can be deposited on the cathode sphere with the IBAD technology.

最后本文从连接附加语、结构连词和接续词三个方面对论文摘要中的语篇主位进行了分析。Finally, the thesis analyzes the textual themes from the perspective of conjunctive adjuncts, conjunctions and continuatives.

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提出了豫北平原联合调度科学利用水资源的一些措施。And puts forward some measures of conjunctive management and scientific utilization of water resources in the North Henan Plain.

在高抽象水平概念下,更容易出现混合策略和连接策略。In the material composed of the concept with the high level of abstraction, pupils tend to use hybrid strategy and conjunctive strategy.

高强度大六角螺栓连接副作为钢结构的主要连接方式,在生产中得到了广泛的应用。As the main conjunctive mode of the steel structure, high-strengthened hexangular bolt joint auxiliary has got widely used in production.

本人主要从理论和实证两方面对城乡结合部农村居民点整理进行研究。The author made the research in arrangement of rural residential area in urban-rural conjunctive region from the aspects of theory and example.

本文从功能的角度把它分为表示语篇功能的连接状语和表示人际功能的情态状语。This article is meant to study this problem from functional point of view. It is classified into the conjunctive adjunct and the modal adjunct.

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第二层平衡协调模型,通过线性规划方法确定了各时段地面水引水量、地下水抽水量及最优种植模式,以求达到灌区年净效益最大的目标。The method of LP is used for conjunctive use of ground and surface water resources and the optimum proportion of crops in the equilibrium model.

在求解演化方程的过程中,引入“内迭代”过程实现流体域和多孔介质交界面的连接条件。An inner iteration technique is developed to implement the conjunctive conditions of the interface between the fluid domain and the porous media.

渠井联合运用的优化决策,可广泛应用于河套引黄灌区灌排工程配套及管理之中。The optimum policy of conjunctive operation of canal and well can be widely used in irrigation engineering management of the Hetao irrigation district.

作者并不期望这种特征和程序具有普适性,只是试图为所要进行案例开发的实践研究提供指南。The author expects to develop a kind of case, which, as a clinical surrogates, can perform a conjunctive function between theory and practice in education.

胸大肌锁骨部肌内神经分支丰富,肌梭密度较高,形态复杂,以联合体形式存在的比例较高。The intramuscular nerve branches were rich in the clavicular part of pectoralis major, where the conjunctive forms of muscle spindle have more appearance a.

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临床以眼球突出、眼球运动障碍、眼睑或结膜水肿充血、视力下降和眶缘可触及肿物为主要表现。Proptosis, restrictive movement of the involved eye, eyelid or conjunctive congestion, decreased eyesight and palpable orbital masses were the main clinical findings.

之后从该图中学习出引起冲突赋值的合取范式子句,将这些学习的子句增补到子句库中,用以限制和修剪测试生成的搜索空间,从而加速测试模式的生成过程。Then the above learned information in the conjunctive normal form clauses is used to restrict and focus the overall search space of SAT-based test pattern generation.

该方法是对待测系统中的约束条件进行处理,将约束条件先转化为合取范式再转化为布尔表达式的形式。First, the constraints are processed in the software system, namely, the constraints are converted to conjunctive normal form, and then converted to Boolean expression.