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地面干燥的狗或猫的食物,鼓励化蛹。Ground dry dog or cat food encourages pupation.

在食物源外面隐蔽处化蛹。Pupation in hidden places outside the food material.

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处理的幼虫化蛹率,羽化而受阻。The pupation and eclosion were hindered by treatment of larvae.

幼虫是否在寄主体内化蛹,与其体内营养物质的量有关。Pupation within the host body or not depends on nutrient amount remained in the host.

蛹开始奶油色和变化缓慢,布朗在其化蛹阶段。The pupa starts a creamy white colour and changes slowly to brown during its pupation stage.

本试验采用完全双列杂交方法,对家蚕的生命力与茧质性状进行了遗传研究。Genetic analysis on the inheritance of pupation rate and some traits of cocoon were adopted with diallel cross.

幼虫的存活和化蛹率随幼虫饮水后体重的增加而增加。The survival and pupation rates of the larvae increased with increase of larval weight because of water drinking.

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幼虫共有5龄,以夜晚蜕皮为主,5龄幼虫老熟后即觅地化蛹,化蛹持续时间2-4天。The larvae had five instars, and exuviated at night, pupated at 5rd instar old larvae, pupation time need 2-4 days.

室内研究了饲料种类、饲养密度对黄粉虫幼虫生长速度、死亡率、化蛹率和虫体营养成分的影响。This paper focused on the larva growth rate, mortality, pupation rate, nutritional component of Tenebrio molitor L.

萤火虫属于「完全变态」的昆虫,一生历经卵、幼虫、蜕皮、化蛹及羽化的过程。The firefly is a holometabolic insect, passing through the stages of being an egg, being a larva, molting , and pupation.

而集琦虫螨克则对4龄幼虫的化蛹率、蛹羽化率及羽化后成虫的产卵量均有显著的降低作用。However, avermectin fed by 4th instar larvae could remarkably reduce the percentage of pupation and adult emergence, and egg production.

幼虫在不同寄主植物上取食危害的症状不同,其化蛹部位也不同。The injury symptom of leaves caused by larvae varied with host plants, and the pupation site was different depending on the host plants.

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研究了椰心叶甲的饥饿耐受时间,饥饿状态下的化蛹率和羽化率。Laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the survival time, pupation rate and eclosion rate for the Brontispa longissima in the situation in lack of food.