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先天性多囊肾是一种先天性的疾病。Congenital polycystic kidney disease is a congenital disease.

目的探讨多囊肾的CT诊断价值。Objective Evaluation of CT in the diagnosis of polycystic kidney.

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多囊卵巢综合征、年轻体瘦为高危因素。Polycystic ovary syndrome, young and thin were high-risk factors for OHSS.

结果本组6例颈部囊状淋巴管瘤均为多囊状。Results This group of 6 example neck cystic lymphangioma are all polycystic.

方法对30例多囊肾尿毒症患者肾移植后进行随访,比较生存率及生活质量。Methods A follow-up after kidney was performed on 30 cases of polycystic kidney.

对于多囊卵巢综合征是否有敏感性和特异性性类固醇标记物?Are There Any Sensitive and Specific Sex Steroid Markers for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

结论益肾化痰法治疗多囊卵巢综合征有较好疗效。Conclusion "Yishen Huatan Decoction " is quiet effective for polycystic ovary syndrome.

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本文还讨论了多囊肾血流多普勒频谱变化的机制。Mechanism of Doppler blood flow ultrasonic spectrum of the polycystic kidney was discussed.

为了解患有卵巢囊肿综合症的女性的生活,我们的记者安娜•蕾茜采访了她的妹妹丽贝卡。Our reporter Anna Lacy went to speak to her sister Rebecca about life with polycystic ovaries.

目的分析常染色体显性遗传多囊肾的发病特点。Objective To analyze the occurrence character of autosomal dominant familial polycystic kidney.

目的研究多囊肾尿毒症患者肾移植术前是否需要切除多囊肾。To study the kidney transplantation in the patients with polycystic kidney associated with uremia.

你的心情可以理解的,我也是问题也是很多,不过没有多囊卵巢综合征。Can understand your feelings, and I am also a lot of problems, but I did not polycystic ovary syndrome.

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月经很少或不规则是囊性卵巢综合征的一个结果这是不育症的一个原因。Lack of or irregular menstruation as a result of polycystic ovary syndrome is a common cause of infertility.

目的根据多囊卵巢形成的机制,建立一种新的多囊卵巢动物模型。Objective According to the formational mechanism of polycystic ovary, to build up a new kind PCO animal model.

这个结果能判断为卵巢多囊症吗?,吃黄体酮胶丸呢,需要多长时间。The results can be judged as polycystic ovarian syndrome do? , Progesterone capsules eat it, how long it takes.

结论多囊肾患者保留原位肾直接进行肾移植效果满意。Objective To study the effect of kidney transplantation in polycystic kidney patients reserving original kidney.

方法回顾性分析12例多囊肾患者保留原位肾直接进行肾移植术的效果。Methods 12 cases of polycystic kidney receiving transplantation with original renal were retrospectively analyzed.

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羊水过少是由多囊肾引起胎儿排尿显著减少造成的。The oligohydramnios resulted from markedly diminished fetal urine output as a consequence of polycystic kidney disease.

目的通过一个家系分析,探讨常染色体显性遗传性多囊肾疾病的病因学、病理学、遗传学因素。Objective To investigate the etiology, pathology and genetic factors of an autosomal dominant hereditary disorder polycystic kidney.

拥有多囊肾小鼠模型、水通道蛋白基因敲除小鼠模型和尿素通道蛋白基因敲除小鼠模型。We have polycystic kidney disease mouse model, aquaporin gene knockout mouse models and urea transporter gene knockout mouse models.