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四人小组包括一个英国人。The four-man crew included one Briton.

他住在不列顿市王子街的海景旅馆里。He is staying at Seaview Hotel, Princes' avenue, Briton.

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调查显示,每名英国人平均只知道两个笑话。The study found the average Briton only knows two jokes.

我们要去看布利顿的歌剧新作。We is go to see the new production of an opera by briton.

上一个英国人在澳网进入决赛还要追溯到1977年的约翰·洛依德。John Lloyd was the last Briton to reach a final here, in 1977.

自从甲壳虫乐队中加入了一名英国人,在美国就变得更受欢迎了。Not since the Beatles had a Briton been so popular in the United States.

布赖特以严格的训练方式使这位不列颠人恢复身体进入状态。He caned the Briton into shape, imposing on him a strict training regime.

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英国当局称,有一名英国人死亡,七人受伤。The British authorities said one Briton had been killed and seven wounded.

发明万维网的Briton是世界上被麻省挖去的智囊之一。The Briton who invented the world wide web is part of the global brain drain to MIT.

一般英国人每周上网的时间为15.8个小时,相当于一年34天。The average Briton spends 15.8 hours a week online, the equivalent to 34 days a year.

事实上,英国过去是一个帝国主义的国家,在全世界各地都有殖民地。In reality, Briton was an imperialistic country in the past and had colonies all over the world.

一项研究表明,英国人普遍认为青年时期在35岁结束,老年时期从58岁开始。According to a study, the average Briton believes that youth ends at 35 and old age begins at 58.

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调查显示,多数英国人不看菜谱就能直接烹制的佳肴共有十道。The average Briton can make 10 mealsscratch without having to look at a recipe, a survey suggests.

根据国家统计局的数据,英国人的平均通勤时间是每天54分钟…According to the Office for National Statistics, the average Briton commutes for 54 minutes every day.

根据英国国家统计局的数据,英国人平均每天花在上下班路上的时间为54分钟。According to the Office for National Statistics, the average Briton commutes for 54 minutes every day.

尽管自嘲并非英国的专利,但是我觉得她确实持续不断的推动着自嘲的边界。And while Briton enjoys no monopoly in self-mockery, she does, I feel, consistently push its boundaries.

调查显示,多数英国人不看菜谱就能直接烹制的佳肴共有十道。The average Briton can make 10 meals from scratch without having to look at a recipe, a survey suggests.

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在2006年离开本田后,英国人加入弥尔顿·凯恩斯团队几乎是在两年前的同一天。The Briton joined the Milton Keynes-based squad almost two years ago to the day, having left Honda in 2006.

目前,受害者的姓名还不清楚,但是根据特内里费岛警方所说,受害者是一位62岁的英国人。The victim hasn't yet been named, but according to the authorities in Tenerife, she was a 62-year-old Briton.

有些人说他是一个罗马人,也有人说他是和入侵的萨克逊人斗争的大不列颠人,然而并没有亚瑟存在的证明。Some say he was a Roman, others say a Briton fighting the invading Saxons, but there is no proof of his existence.