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好好休息,早日康复。Rest well.

做得好!Well done!

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惠群休息好。rest well.

他做的很好。He does well.

将衣服穿好。Wear it well.

你唱得很好。You sing well.

他很善辩。He argues well.

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但它或许会表现良好。It may do well.

非常棒。Very well done.

我们来问一下。Well let's ask.

说得好,查德。Well said Chad.

现实中能找到这种人。Well you could.

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他回答倒不坏。He answers well.

他接守得很好。He fields well.

我认得您。I know you well.

好好养伤。Keep wound well.

嗯,猜猜看会发生什么?Well guess what?

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游得好,天鹅。Well swum, Swan.

你打得好吗?Do you play well?

他讲道讲得好。He preaches well.