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在英国则不同。Not so in Britain.

接下来英国该怎么办?So what should Britain do?

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足球始源于英国…Football started in Britain.

英国交通靠左行。Traffic in Britain keeps left.

百利甜的发祥地在英国。Poly sweet birthplace in Britain.

英国这个比例更高。And Britain has higher percentage.

羊颠疯,没你疯!Britain crazy sheep, no you crazy!

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英国也可向中国提供许多东西。Britain has much to offer China too.

英国车辆都靠左走。Traffic in Britain keeps to the left.

英国的辅弼是谁?Who is the Prime Minister of Britain?

西班牙于1796年向英国宣战。Spain declared war on Britain in 1796.

英国已不再实行国民兵役制。Britain no longer has national service.

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英国在援外方面作出了多少贡献?。How much foreign aid does Britain give?

英国能否有朝一日成为一个无阶级社会?。Can Britain ever be a classless society?

英国的电压是交流电240伏。Electricity in Britain is 240 volts, AC.

用30多年的时间超过英国。It took 30-odd years to surpass Britain.

英帝国残暴地攻击印度和缅甸。Imperial Britain savaged India and Burma.

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印度过去是英国的附属地。India used to be a dependency of britain.

英国的这一阴谋未能得逞。This conspiracy of Britain is frustrated.

英国和意大利应该停止敷衍了事。Britain and Italy should stop temporizing.