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她勉强地举起手来。She upheld her hand reluctantly.

Griesa法官坚持这一理论。Judge Griesa has upheld this theory.

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法官支持下级法院的原判。The judge upheld the lower courts decision.

欧洲法院现在支持了这些救济措施。The European court has now upheld these remedies.

法官哈德孙河的决定将会被支持推翻吗?Will Judge Hudson's decision be upheld on appeal?

据此,法院判决驳回上诉维持原判。Accordingly, the court dismissed the appeal upheld.

伊朗最高法院2007年宣布维持原判。Iran's supreme court upheld the conviction in 2007.

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四根大柱子支撑着这座建筑物的沉重屋顶。Four large columns upheld the building's heavy roof.

上级法院支持下级法院的判决。The higher court upheld the lower court 's decision.

这星期,他的意见轰动性的被第九巡回法院赞成了。This week, he was resoundingly upheld by the Ninth Circuit.

为什么禁止种族主义者或“仇恨”言论的法律不能成立?Why shouldn’t laws proscribing racist or “hate” speech be upheld?

结果报业胜诉,且今年5月比利时上诉法院依旧维持原判。They won, and a Belgian appeals court upheld their victory in May.

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这个案件在1991年上诉,但1992年裁决维持原判。The case was appealed in 1991, and the decision was upheld in 1992.

最高法院也支持环境质量委员会对最坏个案规定的修正规定。The Court also upheld CEQ's replacement for the worst case regulation.

最高法院一致判定了用校车接送学区外学生上学的政策,以平衡学校学生种族比例。The Supreme Court unanimously upheld busing to achieve racial balance.

我们必须采取必要的步骤,确保对这些承诺给予支持。We have to take the steps needed to ensure that these promises can be upheld.

在发展中国家坚持知情权的力度应该更大。The right to knowledge should be upheld more strongly in developing countries.

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加拿大航空公司为此提出上诉,结果加拿大最高法院驳回上诉,裁定维持这一命令。Air Canada fought the decision but it was upheld by the Canadian supreme court.

一个上诉法庭维持这项判决,但是最高法院却一致推翻原判。An appellate court upheld this verdict, but a unanimous Supreme Court reversed.

在2010年提出上诉后法院维持原判,但该网站仍继续运行。The ruling was upheld after an appeal in 2010, but the site continues to function.