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它已成为一个更加欢乐的公共空间。It has become a more convivial public space.

把好吃的好喝的拿出来,这样每个人都能感受到欢乐畅快。Put out good food and drink so that everyone can feel convivial and happy.

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在这些同她接触的人中,有一个富有和欢乐的艺术朋友,名叫约翰·。One of those people was John Kenyon, a wealthy and convivial friend of the arts.

相对地,玻色子天生喜欢当跟班,很容易聚集在同一个量子态上。Bosons, in contrast, are convivial copycats and readily gather in identical states.

我发现很难想象让这样一个喜欢热热闹闹吃饭的民族放弃他们的习惯。I found it odd to imagine a nation of convivial diners surrendering their birthright.

现在居住在爱荷华州,金伯渴望这里也有一个地方能够提供同样的欢乐气氛。Now living in Iowa, Kimber yearns for a place that offers that same convivial atmosphere.

温家宝说,会见气氛融洽的部分原因是因为提出问题者都很友好。Part of the convivial atmosphere, Mr. Wen noted, was because the questioners were friendly.

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多数夜市都是氛围友好,而且不管怎样你都会省下不少银子!Many will have a real convivial atmosphere and apart from anything you will save a lot of money!

商务会议,愉快的交谈,或纯粹的放松,参观蒙塔朗贝尔沙龙伽里玛。For business meetings, convivial conversation, or pure relaxation, visit Montalembert's Salon Gallimard.

胡计划中快乐的“乒乓外交”已经为本次出访奠定了温和的基调。Still, an enforced bonhomie has set the tone for this visit, with Mr Hu planning a spot of convivial ping-pong.

最近的这次出访氛围也很活跃,希拉里拿沃克打趣,说她有点儿跟不上形势。That convivial atmosphere was around on this recent trip too, where Clinton often jokingly teased Walker for not keeping up.

专家们说,自去年以来,“舒心”——创造舒适亲切氛围的理念——的使用频率几乎翻了一番。The use of "hygge", the concept of creating a cosy and convivial atmosphere, has almost doubled since last year, experts said.

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他在北京当教师,能讲流利的汉语,生性乐天开朗,但当时他也有一点摸不着头脑。He worked as a teacher in Beijing, spoke fluent Chinese and was bright and convivial. At the moment he was also a bit confused.

当这些历史事件过去之后,这一形式演变成了一道欢宴菜肴,被法国人用来与家人和朋友共享。After these historical events, this ritual became a convivial dish, which French people used to enjoy with family and with friends.

今天,和家庭成员的关系会很有趣,过去的问题全部丢掉,你开始致力于合作和欢乐的对话。Relations with family members should be fun today, as past problems fly out the window and you concentrate on cooperation and convivial conversation.

非洲的黑猩猩是我们比较熟悉的大猿,红毛猩猩与牠们是强烈的对比,安静而不好动,社会互动贫乏而不好交际。Compared with its more familiar relative, Africa's chimpanzee, the red ape is serene rather than hyperactive and reserved socially rather than convivial.

在接下来的28年里,音乐社的这首主题曲漂洋过海,传到了大西洋彼岸。1814年,这首曲子出现在了非宴饮的场合。For the next twenty-eight years its theme song floated from one side of the Atlantic to the other, and in 1814 it turned up in a setting that was anything but convivial.

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他很爱自己的孩子,经常谈起自己的妈妈,懂足球、会赚钱、喜欢新房子、讨厌清规戒律、爱开玩笑、有时会冒脏话、迷恋女人、喜欢开派对、纵情狂欢到了过分的地步。He adores his kids, talks about his mamma, knows his soccer, makes money, loves new homes, hates rules, tells jokes, swears a bit, adores women, likes to party and is convivial to a fault.