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1870年,马尼托巴湖作为加拿大的一个省加入联邦。In 1870, Manitoba entered Confederation as a Canadian province.

我的第一业余火箭飞行的实验,对冷曼尼托巴省冬季早晨!My very first amateur experimental rocket flight, on a cold Manitoba winter morning!

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加拿大马尼托巴省丘吉尔冻原上出现了幻日光弧这种日光现象。A solar phenomenon known as a sundog arcs over the tundra in Churchill, Manitoba , Canada.

美国密西西比河流区域和加拿大的曼尼托巴省成为重灾区。Regions around the Mississippi River and the Manitoba Province in Canada were hardest hit.

温尼伯是政府所在地,家里的立法议会的马尼托巴省和省法院。Winnipeg is the seat of government, home to the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba and the Provincial Court.

马尼托巴省的大豆压榨商正在进口美国大豆以弥补国产大豆供货的不足。Manitoba soybean crushers are importing U. S. soybeans to make up for a lack of domestically grown supplies.

加拿大马尼托巴大学德耳塔湿地野外观测站是北美最大的湖泊沼泽地研究与教学机构。The Delta Marsh Field Station is a research and teaching facility of the Faculty of Science at the University of Manitoba.

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1870年马尼托巴成为一个省,1871年英属哥伦比亚加入,1873年爱德华太子岛加入,1905年艾伯塔和萨斯喀彻温加入。Manitoba became a province in 1870, British Columbia in 1871, Prince Edward Island in 1873, Alberta and Saskatchewan in 1905.

温尼泊曼尼托巴大学停车位出租,价格面议,有意者请打204-294-8058,204-298-8058是错的,我刚才打错了。Winnipeg university of Manitoba parking rent, price negotiable, please 204-294-8058, 204-298-8058 is wrong, I just dozen wrong.

马尼托巴大学拥有这项技术的所有权,现在已经在各种商业领域里出售。The University of Manitoba owns the rights to the technology and is currently shopping it around to various commercial interests.

如果在夏天飞过曼尼托巴或北安大略,你将看到水面多于陆地,大大小小的湖泊不计其数。If you fly over Manitoba or North Ontario, you will find that the amount of big or small lakes are countless lakes is beyond land.

西洋参原产从魁北克和马尼托巴向南到墨西哥湾沿岸。Panax quinquefolium, the North American ginseng, is native from Quebec and Manitoba southward to the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico.

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加拿大律师楼、律师、律师楼档案、实务操作、法官、政府部门和有关法律服务的综合列表。This list of resources on Canadian law and government is maintained by Peter Sim, Barrister and Solicitor, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada.

在总会、总部的指导和帮助下,蒙尼托巴省分会的工作在过去的一年内取得一定进展。Under the guidance and support of General Association, Manitoba Chapter has made some progress in its performance over the last year.

马尼托巴水电甚至聘请了专门的建筑师提交审核文件,并最终获得了LEED黄金认证。Manitoba Hydro even hired an advocate architect to document and submit the building for LEED certification resulting in a Gold rating.

我的祖先去了加拿大的马尼托巴湖南部,在那里他们在政治上安全了,也可以去买农场,过上了平静的生活。My ancestors came to southern Manitoba in Canada, where they have been politically safe and were able to buy farm land and live peacefully.

这份报告是由加拿大马尼托巴大学教授巴布吉和西安大略大学教授比米什联合做出的。The report is made by Canadian Professor Babuji at the University of Manitoba and professor Beamish at the University of Western Ontario together.

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上周萨斯喀彻温省和马尼托巴省东部报道有霜冻灾害,那里的无毒菜籽作物尚处在开花期。Over the previous week there was frost damage reported in portions of the eastern Saskatchewan and Manitoba canola crop, which also is still flowering.

她早年在马尼托巴省的草原小镇尼帕瓦以及非洲的生活经历为她提供了丰富的创作素材。Her life experiences, both in the small prairie town of Neepawa, Manitoba and in Africa, provide her with rich source material for her literary creation.

2007年九月,加拿大马尼托吧省首府威尼坡的一组高中生将把一颗卫星送上太空。In September, 2007 , a group of students from eight high schools in Winnipeg, the capital of Canada's Manitoba Province , will send a satellite into space.