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耗费和富裕往往是联系在一起的。Effluence and affluence have a way of going together.

总之,他们有一个流动的问题-问题的流出。In short they have a flow problem – a problem of effluence.

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总之他们有一个流动的问题-问题射出。In short they have a flow problem – a problem of effluence.

废水的去除效果与接触时间有关。The effluence concentration is relate to the tough time of water and zeolite.

男人睡觉时打呼噜的声音明明是从鼻子里发出来的。When the man goes to bed, the sound snoring clearly is from nose about li of effluence.

可以实现对注射液的吸入和射出进行有效的自动控制。An effective automatic control on absorption and effluence of parenteral solution can be realized.

吊车使用效率也是影响施工进度的一个主要原因。At the same time, the crane operation efficiency is also a chief reason to effluence on construction progress.

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目的探讨心率变化对多层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像的影响。Objective To learn the effluence of coronary angiography on multi-slice spiral CT with the change of heart rate.

正常运行工况下气载放射性流出物向环境释放量的计算是环境影响评价的基础。The calculations of the release of airborne radioactive effluence to environment are bases of environmental impact assessment.

令人们年轻的源泉是在流露自己情绪情感的同时也能感知到这些。What makes people youthful is the effluence of emotion and feeling they possess and the range of feelings they can still feel.

而且,那种天昏地暗似乎是这两个人心中流泄出来的,此时也随着他们忧伤的消逝而消散了。And, as if the gloom of the earth and sky had been but the effluence of these two mortal hearts, it vanished with their sorrow.

与硫酸法相比,氯化法具有生产效率高,公害废物少及产品质量好等优点。Over the sulphation method, the chlorination has the advantages of higher production efficiency, less effluence and better product quality.

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经济全球化对我国对外贸易也同样带来了深刻的影响,这种影响如同一把“双刃剑”,有机遇,也有挑战。The economic globalization also brings deep effluence to China, which is like a "double-edged sword", with opportunities and challenges in it.

因此,只要条件控制得当,运用氧化塘处理低浓度焦化废水可以获得较好处理效果。With proper operation conditions, it can have high effluence of treatment in bio-oxidation pond for the low concentration coke plant wastewater.

以脱臭馏出物为材料,研究甾醇提取方法的报道较多,但原材料来源有限。There are many reports about researching sterol extraction method by material of deodorizing effluence efflux, but source raw material is limited.

实践证明,既使是在复杂的工程环境下,地下岩土工程开挖影响也可以得到有效控制。Excavation of urban underground geotechnical engineering has become an important research topic because of its effluence on the safety of environment.

文章分析了在超标排污监控机制下管理部门和排污企业的博弈行为和均衡策略,并讨论了公众监督机制对博弈双方的影响。The action and equilibrium strategies of the government and the firms are analyzed. And effluence of the public monitoring mechanism to the players is discussed.

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根据信息系统工程的设计原理建立了河流排污交易管理信息系统。According to the necessity of river effluence trade management and the design principle of information system engineering to establish a river effluence trade management information system.

在亚洲金融危机、深化经济体制改革等国际国内形势影响下,我国经济中的一些矛盾和问题显现出来。Under the effluence of the domestic and international situations such as Asia economic crisis and deepening economic system reform ect. , some contradiction and problems in our economy occur.

提取液经过实验室自制净化柱的净化,有效地去除了干扰物对分析测试的影响及提取的亲脂性化合物对分离柱的影响。A lab-made clean-up cartridge is used for cleaning up of extracts, which can effectively eliminate the effluence of the interferents on determination and lipophilic compounds on analytical column.