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变量描述符?。VD? Variable Descriptor?

使用文件描述符读取字节。Read the bytes with the file descriptor.

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将在部署描述符中对此进行定义。You define these in the deployment descriptor.

消息描述符有两个版本。There are two versions of the message descriptor.

取得特定物件的自订型别描述项。Gets a custom type descriptor for the given object.

然后,对另一个文件描述符重复这个过程。You then do the same thing for another file descriptor.

我们成所有对象共享同样的描述符为一个类。We call all objects sharing the same descriptor a class.

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然后打开设备驱动器并获取文件描述符。Then, open the device driver and get the file descriptor.

插图12-3展示了中断描述符的内容。Figure 12-3 shows the contents of the interrupt descriptor.

取得特定型别和物件的自订型别描述项。Gets a custom type descriptor for the given type and object.

使用SCA组合替换ODE部署描述符Replacement of ODE deployment descriptor with a SCA composite.

这是通过部署描述符编辑器手工操作的。This is done manually through the deployment descriptor editor.

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一个空白字段描述符是在输出中形成空格的描述符。A blank field descriptor is a descriptor to make blank on output.

其可选的ejb-jar.xml部署描述符放置在WEB-INF中。Its optional ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor is placed in WEB-INF.

提出了一种利用轮廓特征和拓扑关系的图像检索方法。A new method for CBIR based on shape Fourier descriptor is presented.

您必须适当地设置部署描述符元素。You will have to set the deployment descriptor element appropriately.

再次打开这个应用客户端项目的部署描述符。Open the deployment descriptor of the application client project again.

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所有的安全资源有一个比空安全描述符更好的描述符。All the securable resources have a better than null security descriptor.

非数据描述符最常用于返回一个可调用对象。The non-data descriptor is likely to be used to return a callable object.

一个包含样本代码所需的plugin描述符的plugin.xml文件。A plugin.xml file that contains the plugin descriptor for the sample code.