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这是一个真正的聚宝盆!It's a veritable cornucopia!

这简直是个幻境。This is a veritable fairyland.

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我们痛恨、厌恶这些不折不扣的魔鬼。We hate and loathe these veritable fiends.

这确是一个没有时间观念的活死人。Here is a veritable mortal who is not exact.

一个真正的大麻经济刺激计划应运而生!A veritable marijuana economic-stimulus package!

这个演出真是新秀集萃。The show is a veritable reservoir of new talent.

这两处街垒连在一道便构成一座真正的犄角堡。The two barricades united formed a veritable redoubt.

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我们发现我们在名副其实的仙境中。We found ourselves in the midst of a veritable fairyland.

麦克梯格忽然心血来潮想出一个主意,这倒真是个好主意。All at once mcteague had an idea, a veritable inspiration.

列夫钦科真的成了名符其实的囚徒了,这太不象样子。Levchenko was a veritable prisoner, which was not healthy.

现在,对于意象的渴望可证实会激发心理动力。Now, the psyche is animated by a veritable hunger for images.

这让上赛季4-3的比分看起来有点惊天动地。Which makes last season's 4-3 look like a veritable avalanche.

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在这木棚里工作是很不容易的,这木棚冬天是个名符其实的冰箱。It was not easy in the shed , in winter it was a veritable ice-box.

数据中心建设热潮在很多地方已经风生水起。In some places this has led to a veritable data-centre construction boom.

这个拳击手重三百镑,走起路来像个十足的巨人。The boxer weighs three hundred pounds and walks like a veritable colossus.

1949年以后,一个真正的妇女解放过程开始了。The year 1949 witnessed the veritable inception of women's liberation in China.

这次运动很大部份是反农民的真实的战争。This campaign took on the proportions of a veritable war against the peasantry.

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整个狐狸星座是一条真正新生恒星的组装线。The constellation Vulpecula is a veritable entire assembly line of newborn stars.

马伦上将进一步形容该网络为ISI名副其实的左膀右臂。Admiral Mullen went further, describing the network as a veritable arm of the ISI.

不执行这样的诊断而尝试去优化代码无疑是在黑暗中摸索。Attempts to optimize code without such diagnostics are a veritable stab in the dark.