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他们不顾天下雨也去了。They went in spite of the rain.

尽管雨神肆虐,我还是到了此地!Here I am in spite of St. Swithin!

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我并没有拿那只狗当出气筒。I'm not taking spite out on the dog.

尽管她这么说,可还是不断纠正我的话。In spite of this she often corrected me.

不管她的年龄,琳达是应受尊敬的。Linda is respective in spite of her AGE.

那男孩不顾风而努力前进。The boy pressed on in spite of the wind.

虽然有雾,但他们能认得出我。They can discern me in spite of the fog.

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他们冒雨踢足球。They play football in spite of the rain.

楼上的邻居狂欢了一夜,你说,尽管噪音很大你还是睡得很沉。In spite of the noise, I slept like a log.

尽管这样,我还是决定去厦门。In spite of this, I finally decided to go.

他不由自主地失声笑了出来。He burst into laughter in spite of himself.

不要怨恨他们,海鸥弗莱契。Sullivan Seagull laughed in spite of himself.

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尽管到处都有发牢骚的人。For in spite of the grumblers who stand about.

虽然负担沉重,可是压不住她内心的喜悦。In spite of the heavy load, she's still happy.

尽管下着雨,我们还是尽情享受假日。In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our vacation.

她发现自己的心不由自主地软下来了。She found her heart relenting in spite of her.

我们将怎样在这些考验中生存下去?How can we survive in spite of all the trials ?

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尽管小心防范,事情还是漏了出去。In spite of precautions the facts filtered out.

平时看来他沉默寡言。你说,尽管他不作声,但他仍是个有思想的人。In spite of his silence, he is a thoughtful man.

虽然上周的核爆炸威力堪比广岛。In spite of its Hiroshima-sized blast this week.