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现在,他开上了凯迪拉克,还在奥提斯克湖边买了避暑别墅。Now he’s got an Escalade and a summer house on Otissic Lake.

绘制凯迪拉克需要注意的小细节。Drawing a Cadillac Escalade requires attention to small details.

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我有一辆凯迪拉克,我不愿意摧毁它的头两个月。I have a Cadillac Escalade and I am not willing to destroy it within the first two months.

凯雷德混合动力车低油耗的关键之处是它配备的双模式混合动力驱动系统。The key to the Escalade Hybrid's respectable fuel economy is its two-mode hybrid powertrain.

在老虎伍兹撞车事件发生后15天,埃森哲才最后宣布,将终止与老虎伍兹持续了六年的代言合同。Accenture ultimately announced it had ended its six-year endorsement deal with the star, 15 days after the infamous Escalade episode.

它在现代最为雄心勃勃的应用出现在1961年,华盛顿州的塔科马港市修建了一个移动人行道的“攀梯”。Its most ambitious use in modern times came in 1961, when the city of Tacoma in Washington built an underground "escalade" of moving sidewalks.

当他到了阿曼尼晚会上的时候几乎下不来他那辆凯雷德轿车,因为一个操着澳式英语的小伙子几乎立刻凑上去和他握手。When he arrived at the Armani party, he had barely exited the Escalade when a young man with an Australian accent approached him for a handshake.

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“我们要让人们先熟知‘乔治·圣皮埃尔’的大名,然后才是他的运动员的身份、拳手的身份,”她坐在穿梭于派对间的凯雷德里时这样说。“We want people to think of him as Georges St-Pierre first, then athlete, then fighter, ” she said in Escalade as it lurched from party to party.

那你听说老虎伍兹的家庭纠纷中他撞上了消防栓,他的Escalade,高尔夫俱乐部,他挥舞着妻子的追求热?So did you hear about Tiger Woods' domestic dispute wherein he hit his Escalade on a fire hydrant, with his golf club-wielding wife hot in pursuit?

2009年8月,奥运冠军、美国游泳名将菲尔普斯驾驶的凯迪拉克凯雷德与一辆本田雅阁轿车相撞,但菲尔普斯并未受伤。Michael Phelps was driving a Cadillac Escalade when it collided with a Honda Accord in August 2009, but the Olympic gold medal swimmer was not injured.

德利最近新入一辆加长凯迪拉克凯雷德,新车配有液晶显示超薄电视机,另安装了一个能让他在车里观看他家所有电影的数字系统。His latest purchase is a stretched Cadillac Escalade with a flat-screen television and a digital system that allows him to browse his home film library in the car.