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我的薪水在这些年里涨了很多。My salary rose substantially over the years.

这导致了大量的固定成本。This led to substantially higher fixed costs.

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过度的超重或体重过轻。Being substantially overweight or underweight.

我看到我的血压明显的降了下去。I saw my blood pressure go down substantially.

这当然会使稔性受到极大损害。This, of course, substantially impairs fertility.

我们极大地提高了对EDI的支持。We added substantially enhanced our support for EDI.

德鲁依闪避时所需敏捷下降。Druids now need substantially less agility per dodge.

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截止11月,经济增长已大体消弭。By November, growth had already quietened substantially.

政务司司长制度是实质上等同向。The CS system is substantially equivalent to the DataCorp.

盒外壳基本上封闭硬驱动器。The cartridge housing substantially encloses the hard drive.

我们大幅度提高了燃料效率标准。We have substantially increased our fuel-efficiency standards.

在这种情况,避雷器额定值可明显低些。In such a case the arrester rating could be substantially lower.

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第一,高出生率不可能在一夜之内就被改变。First, high birthrates cannot be altered substantially overnight.

瓦格纳法大幅地增加了工会组织和工会力量。The Wagner Act substantially increased unionization and union power.

城市里的与农村的奴隶实质上不同。Slavery in cities differed substantially from that in the countryside.

这一地区空气中的烟灰含量正迅速增加。The amount of soot in the air has increased substantially in the area.

更糟糕的是,股价收益率中的收益值可能被远远夸大了。Worse yet, there's in the pe ratios could be substantially overstated.

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收入、花费和通话率非常重要的定量分析。Revenue, expenses and conversation rates are substantially quantitative.

指出距离差量测本质上是与双星连线轴向相关的一维量测。The distance difference is substantially a measurement of one dimension.

能让这件事发生重大变化的是俄国和中国的合作。What could change things substantially is Russian-Chinese collaboration.