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诚然,廉署在七十年代成立之初,并没有采纳开放策略。Admittedly , transparency was not a policy pursued by the icac in its early years.

廉政公署一直给人公正,将贪污罪案绳之于法的正义印象。The ICAC has been giving justice, the corruption crime to justice justice impression.

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市民如欲投诉廉政公署职员,可向廉政公署事宜投诉委员会正式提出。The public may lodge formal complaints against ICAC officers to the ICAC Complaints Committee.

廉政公署会继续过往的努力,精益求精,不断增强防止贪污与执法的实力。The ICAC will build on its achievements in the past and enhance its preventive and enforcement capability.

香港的ICAC是减少腐败的一个成功的、系统的和不断进行的案例。Hong Kong's ICAC is an example of a successful, systematic, and ongoing process that diminishes corruption.

控方今日由大律师周凯灵代表出庭,并由廉署人员张艳明协助。The prosecution was today represented by juliana chow, counsel on fiat, assisted by icac officer annie cheung.

该处更为新移民举办各类防贪教育活动,包括讲座及参观廉署分处。In addition, educational programmes including talks and visits to ICAC regional offices were organised for them.

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控方今日由高级政府律师覃民辉代表出庭,并由廉署人员庄家乐协助。The prosecution was today represented by senior government counsel simon tam , assisted by icac officer bryan chong.

廉政公署继续加强与其他反贪污机构及海外执法机构的联络。The ICAC continues to enhance liaison with other anti- corruption organisations and overseas law enforcement agencies.

年内,廉署曾接待多个国家的执法机构及其他组织的访客共118名。During the year, the ICAC received 118 visitors from law enforcement agencies and other organisations in various countries.

廉政公署称,包括警长在内十一名警员涉嫌安排「顶罪」,妨碍司法公正。The ICAC says a sergeant and ten constables are suspected of perverting public justice by allegedly arranging false arrests.

每年推出的廉政公署系列电视剧,透过戏剧效果改编真实案件,让市民加深对廉政公署的了解。Each year the ICAC TV series, through dramatic adaptations of real cases, allow the public to deepen the understanding of the icac.

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ICAC的调查员位位都是智勇双全,以维护法纪为己任,尽全力打击贪污!ICAC investigators everybody are brave and resourceful, to maintain law and order and responsibility to do its utmost to fight corruption!

本次大会的委员们对“如何降低棉花生产成本”这一话题举办了专题技术研讨会。The Committee on Cotton Production Research of the ICAC organized a Technical Seminar on the topic "How to Lower the Cost of Cotton Production."

本厂自成立以来,以严谨的管理、高品质的产品以及优廉的价格,深受广大用户的欢迎和信赖。The factory since its inception, with strict management and high quality products and the price of the icac hampered by the welcome and confidence.

廉署表示有市民投诉梓博要求他们写嘉许信,作为优先处理个案的条件,梓博到廉署接受问话。The icac says a citizen complaint letter recognition catalpa bo asked them, as a condition of priority case, catalpa bo to the icac for questioning.

廉署又设有一个内部调查组,负责监察该署职员的操守和调查有关他们的投诉。The commission also has an internal investigation group which monitors the conduct of its officers and investigates complaints against ICAC officers.

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自1974年成立以来,廉署为香港带来了巨大的改变。香港由饱受贪污肆虐演变为一个广受国际社会推崇,被誉为世界上最廉洁的国际都会之一。Established in 1974, the ICAC has helped turn Hong Kong from a city plagued with syndicated corruption to one now upheld as among the cleanest in the world.

羡昕被廉政公署高层高展能阻止她针对卓凯的调查,只有将调查目标改为浩勤,并要求羡晴能够提供协助。Envy xin was icac senior high exhibition can stop her inquiry into drache, only change the survey target to HaoQin, and can provide assistance for envy shine.

廉政公署落案起诉四名人士,包括一名银行职员及两名承判商,控告他们在进行翻新工程时涉嫌贪污。Four persons, including a bank officer and two contractors, were charged by the ICAC with alleged bribery in relation to renovation projects in two separate cases.