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我认为我们都是无神论者。I contend that we are both atheists.

百家争鸣。A hundred schools of thought contend.

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“百花齐放,百家争鸣”是指导中国文学的一条语录。Contend is a slogan guiding China's literature.

天赋异能,谁与争风。Connate different can, who and contend for wind.

他们每年都得与干旱做斗争。They have to contend against draught every year.

万类霜天竞自由。Under freezing sky creatures contend in freedom.

为什么死海里千帆相竞?Why do a thousand sails contend for the Dead Sea?

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他们首先得同狂风和沙暴作斗争。They had to contend first with wind and sandstorms.

帕姆·史莱弗曾有过一次在比赛中与一大群蜜蜂斗争的经历。Pam Shriver once had to contend with a swarm of bees.

我们认为第二个示例的易用性更好一些。We contend that the second example is more consumable.

但批评家认为这反而为钳制媒体创造了便利。But critics contend it just as easily muzzles the press.

在困难的模态中,你需要同时操作二个太空人。In the difficult mode, you have two spacemen to contend with.

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这场真假开心网之争向何处去?Is this true and false happy of the net contend for whereto ?

现在我们又有一种重大全球传染病要应对。And now we have another great global contagion to contend with.

它们需要在海上与海盗们抗争,而在陆地上又要与武装组织战斗。It has to contend with pirates at sea and armed groups on land.

你必须能够应付每一种动物的特殊习性。Every animal has its peculiarities that you have to contend with.

从来就没有哪个人认为这个小东西能够自我演化。No one would ever contend that this jelly -fish could improve itself.

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这些是亚原子粒子,我们需要对付一下。And so these are the subatomic particles that we have to contend with.

发展中国家常常要与传染性疾病作斗争。Developing nations have always had to contend with infectious diseases.

但西方广播界争辨说他们只是“与时俱进”而已。The Western broadcasters contend they have simply moved with the times.