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什么是“花粉热”?What is hay fever?

我发着高烧。I had a high fever.

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我有点儿发烧。I have a bita fever.

我额头的热狂!The fever on my brow.

我有点发烧,还流鼻涕。He has a slight fever.

他患了猩红热。He's got scarlet fever.

我退烧了。My fever has gone down.

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寒热可伴随感冒。Fever may attend a cold.

我想我有花粉热。I think I have hay fever.

我昨天晚上退烧了。My fever broke last night.

什么是基孔肯亚热?What is chikungunya fever?

他因发烧而焦悴。He was consumed with fever.

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您想吃点退烧药吗?Do you want a fever reducer?

由于花粉的过敏,我的眼睛刺痒难受。I have hay fever. My e itch.

肺炎由流感引起。Lung fever develops from flu.

那个病人有些轻微的发烧。The patient has a mild fever.

有什么退热药吗?Is there any remedy for fever?

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她由于发烧而病倒了。She was knocked over by fever.

感冒时应进食,发烧时应禁食。Feed a cold and starve a fever.

他的发烧很快就好了。He soon rallied from his fever.