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那条船正在缓慢驶来。The ship is edging down.

周边以石膏线饰边。To plaster line edging around.

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我们的汽车正节节逼进他们的车。Our car is edging down upon theirs.

那条船正逐渐驶向海岸。The ship is edging in with the coast.

特别适合陶瓷干式磨边机使用。Special for edging dry machine of ceramics.

用来围绕页边或字体的装饰设计。Decorative design usually edging the page or type.

国产货正在取代进口货。Home-made goods are edging out imported foreign goods.

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我们希望采购中国玻璃镜片磨边机,请尽快与我联系。We need glass edging machine, please contact me as soon.

用来围绕页边或字体的装饰设计。Border Decorative design usually edging the page or type.

他挨得这么近,像是一个饿极了的陌生人,把她吓了一跳。He frightened her, edging so close, a seemingly hungry stranger.

用于加工各种平板玻璃或镜片的钭边及底边。Suitable for beveling and edging of various flat glass or mirror.

该机适合皮革、中底包边、皮包、鞋面折边、翻边。The machine apply for leather handbags or instep folding turn edging.

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虽然如此,我们仍坚定地向着这些古老的问题的答案靠近着。Still, we are steadily edging closer to answering the age-old questions.

但是两星期后戈尔急起直追,有些民意调查还发现戈尔逐步领先了。But two weeks later Gore caught up and some polls showed him edging ahead.

美国以110-100击败中国,占在奖牌榜第一位。The United States won the overall medal race, edging out China 110 to 100.

顶部是2英寸厚的牛奶奶沫,沫子已经溢出杯口,好似白雪一样,堆积在一起。The top is two inches of milk foam, edging past the brim like a snow bank.

本系列机型适用于各种薄料、中厚料织物的包边或包缝作业。Applicable to the over edging operation of thin, moderate and thick fabrics.

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本系列机型适用于各种薄料,中厚料织物的包边或包缝作业。Applicable to the over edging operation over thin moderate and thick fabrics.

黑色手柄和镶边点缀包身,完美营造自然与华丽间的平衡感。Black handle and edging create a sense of balance between natural and gorgeous.

每过几天,他都会向我报告游泳的圈数,语气中带着份自豪。Every few days he reported the new number of laps to me, pride edging his voice.