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他讲的是确凿不移的实情。He told the strict truth.

彼得是个严格的人。Pater is a strict person.

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程是一个严格的老师。Cheng is a strict teacher.

Bmc总是严格要求我们。Bruc is vry strict with us.

三是严抓区队。Strict District Third Team.

我制定了一个严格的复习计划。I made a strict review plan.

妈妈对我管得很严。My mother is strict with me.

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但是她是非常严密的与我们。But sh is vry strict with us.

格林先生是一位严师。Mr Green is a strict teacher.

妈妈对她的女子很峻厉。Mother is strict with her son.

他按照严格的道德准则生活。He lives by a strict moral code.

要知道,金教授是很严格的。You know, Dr. King is so strict.

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这支军队纪律严明。The army is strict in discipline.

医生嘱咐要严格规定饮食。The doctor enjoined a strict diet.

我们的体育老师对我们要求很严格。Our P. E teacher is strict with us.

他们对此相当严格。And they get quite strict about that.

确实是这样,他对自己要求也很严。Indeed. He's strict with himself too.

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他那张毫无表情的面孔给人一种冷冰冰严厉的感觉。His stone face struck cold and strict.

硬性指不灵活或非常严格。Rigid means inflexible or very strict.

因此我们严格遵守我们的政策。So we are very strict with our policy.